
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Lifang Xu

2019-06-30 19:42:36


Lifang Xu

Academic / job titles

Professor / the Chair of Publishing Science Department

Contact Information


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• Digital publishing

• Digital narrative

• Scientific communication

• U. S. publishing industry study


• Digital Media Communication (undergraduates)

• Introduction to Publishing in Western Countries (undergraduates)

• Digital Publishing Seminar (master degree candidates)

• Advances in Publishing Studies (master degree candidates;one lecture)

• Digital Narrative(Ph. D. candidates)


Papers (selected)

• Educational Games Based on Augmented-reality techniques. Journal of Xiangtan University,2015(2): 120~123 (the first author)

• Market-oriented reform in Chinese scholarly publishing.Learned Publishing, Volume 26, Number 2, 2013: 135-138 (the corresponding author)

• Data Intensive, Semantic and Visualized Publication: Global STM Publishing Trends. Publishing Journal,2012, 20(4): 73-80(the first author)

• Distribution Patterns of Digital Content Products in USA // Development Report on International Publishing Industry (Bluebook Series). Beijing:China Book Press,2012:361-379(the first author)

• Renaissance of Informal Scientific Communications. LOGOS: Journal of the World Publishing Community, Volume 22, Issue 3, 2011:37-43. (the corresponding author)

• The patterns of online scientific journal circulation. Proceedings of International Conference on Management and Service Science (IEEE MASS 2011, Aug. 12-14, Wuhan, PRA): 4648-4651(the first author)

• Analysis on Open Access Citation Advantage. iConference 2011, Feb. 8-11, Seattle. (the first author)

• The Kenyan Publishing Industry in Digital Era. The Moi University 6th Annual International Conference, Symposium III– theme - "The Role of Digital Content and Organizations’ Repositories in Promoting Innovations and Sustainable Development (the second author)

• 30-year Reform and Opening-up: China’s Publishing Industry. Logos, 2010(1-4):199-205,207. (the corresponding author)

• One-dimensional Readership and Others. China Book Review,2010(4):8-13. (the first author)

• Open Access: from the Publisher’s Perspective. Publishing in the Digital Age: the 1st International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digital Age. NY: Pace University Press, 2008: 205-214. (the first author)

• UNISIST Model and its Digitalization. Library and Information Service,2008,52(10):66-69. (the first author)

• Evolution of Scientific Communication and its Research. Information Science, 2008,26(10):1461-1463. (the first author)

• Elements, Structure and Function of the Scientific Communication System. Document, Information and Knowledge, 2008(6):114-117. (the first author)

• Chinese Publishing Industry Going Global: Background and Performance. Publishing Research Quarterly, 2008, 24(2):64-72. (the first author)

• Peer-Review Practice and Research of Academic Journals in China. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 2008, Vol.39 No. 4: 417-427. (the corresponding author, SSCI-indexed Journal)

• Publishing in China Post-WTO. Logos,2008 Vol.19 Iss 1:14-19(the first author)

• Scholarly Publishing Funds in China. Learned Publishing, 2007 Vol.20 No. 1:36-42. (the corresponding author, SSCI-indexed Journal)

• A Brief History of Non-state-owned Book Business on Mainland China. Publishing Research Quarterly (USA), 2005(3) (the corresponding author)

• On Publishing Higher Education Reform in China. 2000 Sino-U.S. Symposium/Workshop on Library & Information Science Education in the Digital Age. November 5-10, 2000,P63-68(the first author)

Monography & Textbooks (selected)

• Overview of Digital Publishing. Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2013(the first author)

• Digital Scientific Communication. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2008(the first author)

• The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing. Suzhou: Suzhou University Press, 2007(the first translator)

• Complete Guide to Successful Publishing. Shijiazhuang:Hebei Education Press, 2004(the first translator)

• Chines Bestsellers in the 20th Century. Xian: Shanxi Normal University Press, 2001(the first author)

PROJECTS (selected)

• A Theoretical Model and its Empirical Tests of Scientific Information User Value, a NSFC funded project

• Digital Scientific Communication, a “Post-70s Scholars Academic Development Program of Wuhan University”

• Mechanism Innovation of Scientific Communication System Based on Digital Publishing, a NSFC funded project


• Visiting scholar, Pace University, USA, 2003~2004

• Guest Researcher,Center for Chinese Publishing Studies, NHU, 2005-2007

• Editor, Publishing Journal (CSSCI-indexed) (2006- )

• Peer Reviewer, Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences

• Committee member, Editing and Publishing Terms Division, China National Committee for Terms in Sciences and Technologies

• Committee member, National and Publishing Information Standardization Committee(TC553)
