
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Jinchao Zhang

2019-06-30 19:40:59


Jinchao Zhang

Academic/job titles

Doctor, Lecturer

Contact information

School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, P. R. China, 430072

Email: zhangjinchao3395@163.com


Information behavior

Information resources management

Adoption and use of information systems in Chinese context

Digital resources

Digital publishing


Academic and professional publishing


English Journal Papers (International)

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, & Daochen Zha. (2015). Sound information seeking in Web 2.0 virtual communities: The moderating effect of mindfulness. Behaviour & Information Technology, 34(9), 920-935. (SSCI, SCI)

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, & Wentao Wang. (2015). Comparing flow experience in using digital libraries Web and mobile context. Library Hi Tech, 33 (1), 41-45. (SSCI)

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, & Zhiliang Xiao. (2015). Does affinity matter? Slow effects of e-quality on information seeking in virtual communities. Library & Information Science Research, 37(1), 68-76. (SSCI)

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, & Zhiliang Xiao. (2014). User perceptions of e-quality of and affinity with virtual communities: The effect of individual differences. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 185-195. (SSCI)

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, & Yalan Yan. (2014). Exploring the effect of individual differences on user perceptions of print and electronic resources. Library Hi Tech, 32(2), 346-367. (SSCI)

Xianjin Zha, Zhiliang Xiao, & Jinchao Zhang. (2014). A survey of user perceptions of digital library e-quality and affinity. Serials Review, 40(1), 3-11. (SSCI)

Yalan Yan, Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, & Xiaorong Hou. (2014). Comparing digital libraries with virtual communities from the perspective of e-quality. Library Hi Tech, 32(1), 173-189. (SSCI)

Chinese Journal Papers (Domestic)

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan. Impacting factors of users’ academic information seeking behavior in the context of microblogs: A dual-route perspective of information quality and information source credibility. Journal of Library Science in China, 2015, 41(3).

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan. Review on network information behavior research based on six international main stream journals in the field of library and information science. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2014, 33(7).

Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, Jing Li. Review on the research status and development trend of network information behavior. Journal of Library Science in China, 2014, 40(4).

Jinchao Zhang, Yunyun Li, Jialin Xie. An analysis of signaling game of perceived network information. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, 37(10).

Jialin Xie, Jinchao Zhang. Research on the impact factors of users’ intention to generate content online. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014, 4(1).

Jinchao Zhang. Research on the willingness of the scientific research personnel in the Chinese universities to share their scientific data. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2013, 36(10).

Jinchao Zhang. Intention to acquire scientific data of college scientific researchers. Journal of Intelligence, 2013, 32(6).

Jinchao Zhang. Research on the competitive strategy of 3G services of telecom operators based on human network. Information Science, 2011, 29(2).


Government-funded grants

Study on influencing patterns and optimizing of network information behavior given the moderating effect of need and capability, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Co-Investigator (CI).

Study on impacting factors and behavior patterns of information resources allocation, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), CI.

Study on impacting factors and behavior patterns of knowledge sharing in the context of Internet, National Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC), CI.

Study on influencing patterns of social media users’ information behavior, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Principal Investigator (PI).


Oct 2014. Graduate Academic Innovation Scholarship, awarded by Wuhan University.
