
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Xiaojuan Zhang

2018-09-20 10:22:22



Xiaojuan Zhang(Julia)

Academic / job titles

PhD/ Professor

Contact Information

xjz@whu.edu.cn; juliazhang2006@yahoo.com

Room No



• Digital information management

• Knowledge management

• E-records and e-Government

• Management information systems

• Information literacy


• Knowledge Management

• Digital Information Management

• E-Records Management


Journal Papers

Over 70 journal papers in total, including:

• Zhang, Xiaojuan. The Evolution of Management Information Systems: a literature review. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 17 (2), 2013, pp57-86

• Zhang, Xiaojuan, et al. Investigation and Analysis of the College Students’ Media and Information Literacy in China. Document, Information & Knowledge, 2014(4)

• Zhang, Xiaojuan, & Yi, Mingwei. System Integration Architecture and Implementation based on Cloud Computing and SOA: an enterprise case study. Computer Application and Systems, 2011(9)

• Xiao,Qiuhui,Zhang,Xiaojuan(corresponding author), et al. China’s Archival Higher Education: its features, problems, and development. American Archivists.Vol.74 (Fall/Winter, 2011): 664-684

• Zhang, Xiaojuan(co author). Web Citations Inaccessibility and its Solutions, Journal of Library Science in China, 2010(2):119-129

• Zhang, Xiaojuan, & Zhang, Hanlu. Open Innovation in R&D and Innovation of Talent Mechanism in Hi tech Enterprises: an analysis based on the inter-organization knowledge transfer. China Science & Technology Resources Review, 2011(4):49-53,60

• Zhang, Xiaojuan, et.al. The Key Factors in the Evolution of Information Systems and the Law of Their Transition. Information Science,2011(4)

• Zhang, Xiaojuan. Report of the UNESCO Training-the-Trainers In Information Literacy Workshop, October 20-22, 2008, Wuhan, China, International Information and Library Review, 2009 (41 ) , pp 273-276

• Zhang, Xiaojuan, et.al. The Integrated Management of e-Record and e-Document: theoretical foundation and implementation mechanism. Archives Science Bulletin, 2009(6)

• Zhang, Xiaojuan, et.al. The Central Research Issues of Information Resources Integration in China. Journal of China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2009 (5), pp791-800

• Zhang, Xiaojuan(co-author). A Dynamic RSS Information Push Service Mechanism Based on Ontology. Electronic Library, 2009 (2):222-236

• Zhang, Xiaojuan. Evolution of Enterprise Information Systems in a Framework of System Integration: an analysis of the limitation of Nolan’s Stage Hypothesis. Information Science, 2007, 25(8)

Conference Papers

Over 20 conference papers and presentations in total, including:

• Zhang, Xiaojuan, et al. Information Integration and Performance Evaluation of “the Chinese Government Public Information Online”. Proceedings of 2015 International Symposium on Asia-Pacific Public Administration, March 28-29, SuZhou, China.

• Zhang, Xiaojuan. System Integration in Business Information Systems: Framework, Implementation and Case Study. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications. Networking and Mobile Computing, October 12-14, Dalian, China.

• Zhang, Xiaojuan(co-author). Moving Toward e-Government: The Status Quo and Prospective on Government Information Disclosure in China, Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on e-Government, Melbourne, Australia, October 23-24, 2008


Zhang, Xiaojuan, ed., Archives Management. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 1997. Designated as the textbook for Archival Science programs at the national wide universities by the Ministry of Education of China


Zhang, Xiaojuan, et al. The Standardization Management of Government Information Resources, Beijing: Science Press (in publishing)


Over 20 research projects PI or Co PI ed, including:

• PI: The Protection of Digital Information Resources Security in Smart Cities, Natural Science Foundation Project, China, 2015-2018. Grant 71473182

• PI: The Standardization Management of Government Information Resources,

Major Project of Key Bases of Humanities and Social Science of the Ministry of Education, China, 2013-2016. Grant 13JJD870004

• PI: Knowledge Transfer, Retrieval and Innovation in International Cooperation of High-tech Enterprises: Case Studies of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Sino-Danish Scientific and Technological Cooperation Project, 2011-12. Grant 10-087721

• PI: Influencing Factors and Models of Information Systems Evolution, Independent Research Project of the Key Research Base of the Ministry of Education of China, 2011-12. Grant WHXZ2011-03

• PI: Cultivation of Innovative Talents and Expansion of University Information Literacy Education, Provincial Research Project on Higher Education Improvement, Hubei Province, 2009 – 2011. Grant: 2009027


• Fulbright Visiting Scholar in the States, 1994-1995

• Excellent Class Teacher of Wuhan University, 2009-2010


• Doctorate in Management Science, Wuhan University, P.R. China, 2007

• Master of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2001

• Master of Library & Information Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, 1996

• Master of Arts, Library & Information System Management, Wuhan University, P.R. China, 1988

• (Honors) Bachelor of Science, Information Science, Wuhan University, P.R. China, 1985


• Director, Department of Archives and Government Information Studies, SIM, 2014-

• Executive Director, International Office of SIM, 2010 – 13

• Vice Chair of the Association of Returned Overseas Chinese, Wuhan University, 2009-

• Member of the Director Board of Returned Overseas Professional of Wuhan(city), China, 2015 -

• Expert Presenter and Project Coordinator, the UNESCO Training the Trainer Workshop in Information Literacy, East and South Asia based, Wuhan, 2008.


Served as the organizers, chairs, judges and speakers of numerous academic conference sessions, international contests, and professional seminars on information management, knowledge management, e-records management and e-government for government agencies and corporate.


• Editor, Document, Information and Knowledge, Wuhan University, China, 2010 -

• Project Editor, Library and Information Studies: Trends and Research, Chen, Chuanfu, and Larsen, Ronald (Eds.) Springer, 2015

• Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief, English-Chinese Dictionary of Education, Beijing: People’s Education Press, 2006.
