
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Qiuhui Xiao

2018-09-20 10:22:22




Academic / job titles

Ph.D. in Management, Professor

Vice director of Department of Archives and Government Information Science, School of Information Management, Wuhan University

Contact Information

Room No

608, School of Information Management, Wuhan University


• Archives management

• Electronic records management

• Information policies and laws


• Science of Archives Management

• Archival Information Retrieval

• Enterprise Archives Management

PUBLICATIONS (Recent 5 years)

Journal Papers (International)

• China's Archival Higher Education: its features, problems and development, American Archivist, Fall/Winter, 2011. [American]

• Управление электронными документами в Китае: состояние и перспективы, Отечественные архивы, 2010(6). [Russian]

• Электронный документальный центр в Китае, Современные гуманитарные исследования, 2010(5). [Russian]

Journal Papers (Domestic)

• Research on the Long-term Archival Development Program of Russia, Archives Science Study, 2014(5).

• Electronic Record Literature Review of Western Community, Document, Information & Knowledge, 2014(5).

• Foreign Commercial Records Center, Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014(4).

• Work of Livelihood Archives in Local Comprehensive Archives: Research on Present Situation, Problems and Solutions. Archives Science Bulletin, 2014(2).

• On the Cooperation Mechanism for Long-term Preservation of Electronic Records and Implementation Strategies, Archives Science Study, 2014(1).

Reprinted in Archival Science (Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China), 2014-3 issue.

• Study on the Integrated Service of Science and Technology Archives Information Resources, Archives & Construction, 2014(1).

• Study on the Category of Livelihood Archives Work, China Archives, 2013(12).

• A Review of Information Law Research in Russia, Journal of Library Science in China, 2013(6).

• The Theoretical Thinking about Livelihood Archives, Archives Science Study, 2013(5).

• Research on the Cooperation Mechanism for Long-term Preservation of Electronic Records, China Archives, 2012(9).

Reprinted in Archival Science (Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China), 2012-12 issue.

• Functional Evaluation of Digital Archives Based on OAIS——Taking UKDA and TNA for Examples, Archives Science Study, 2012(6).

• The History and situation of the History-Archival Institute RSHU, The Archives Science Bulletin, 2012(3).

• The Function, Management Mechanism and Development Strategies of Electronic Record Centers in China, Document, Information & Knowledge, 2012(3).

• Review of Research on Chinese Digital Archives during 2007 and 2011, Archives, 2012(3).

• The Analysis and Comparison between Chinese and Foreign Archival Blog, Beijing Archives, 2012(3).

• The Progress of Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Program, Journal of Information Resources Management, 2012(2).

• The responsibility of Archives Personnel and Orientation of Archival Science in the e-Government Environment, China Archives, 2011(8).

• Review of Research of Chinese Electronic Record Centers, Archives Science Bulletin, 2011(1).

• Evolution of Information Legislation and Policies in Russia, Document, Information & Knowledge, 2010(4).

Reprinted in Library Science (Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China), 2010-10 issue

• History and Reality of the Archives Utilization in Russia, China Archives, 2010(1).

Reprinted in Archival Science (Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China), 2010-3 issue.

• Research Progress of the Archives Management Science in recent 3 years, published in Development of Research on Archival Science, from Wuhan University Press, 2010.


• Archival Information Retrieval, Wuhan University Press, August 2011.

• Archives Management Conspectus, Wuhan University Press, August 2009.


• Long-term Preservation of Electronic Records: Theory and Practice, Social Science Academic Press (China), November 2014.

• Research on Russian Information Policies an Laws, Wuhan University Press, July 2008.

• Information Resource Management: Policies and Regulations (Series of Modern Information Resources Management, the third author), Science Press, January 2009.


• The Project of Social Science Fund in Hubei Province, 2014.

• The General Project of National Social Science Fund of China: “Research on the reform and development of the Russian archival undertaking in the 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union (Project number: 13BTQ064)”, 2013.

• The Project Sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, 2013.

• The Youth Project of Humanities and Social Science Fund, State Education Ministry: “The function, management mechanism and strategies of electronic record centers in China (Project number: 09yjc870021)”, 2009.

• The Provincial Teaching Research Project of High School in Hubei Province: “Study on the orientation of archival science and the reform of course system in the e-Government environment”, 2008-2011.

• The Youth Project of Independent Research in Wuhan University: “Research on the comparison between Chinese and Russian network information policy and law”, 2008-2009.

• The National Project Sponsored by Government for the Scholars, State Education Ministry, 2008.

• The visiting scholar to the History and Archives Institute of Russian National Humanity University (Российский государственный гуманитарный университет): “On the higher education of archives and archival undertaking in Russia since the 1990s”, 2008-2009.


• Instructor of the bachelor’s degree thesis “primary study on the organization and retrieval of archives information in the network environment”, which awarded the third prize of the excellent bachelor’s degree thesis in Hubei Province in 2008.

• Participated in compiling Information Resources Policy and Law, which awarded the third prize of the 6th humanities and social science research achievements of Chinese universities, ranking third.
