
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Jiming Hu

2018-09-20 10:22:22



Jiming Hu

Academic / job titles

Assistant Professor

Contact Information


Room No



• Information Resource Management

• Information Recommendation and Mining

• Information Behavior and Service,

• Intelligent Governance


• Database Principle and Application

• Website Design and Development

• Network and Culture

• Advanced Language Program Design


Journal Papers (International)

• Jiming Hu, Yin Zhang. (2015). Research patterns and trends of Recommendation System in China using co-word analysis. Information Processing Management, 51(4):329-339.

• Changping Hu, Jiming Hu (*), et al. (2013). A co-word analysis of library and information science in China. Scientometrics, 97(2): 369-382.

• Liu Gaoyong, Jiming Hu(*), et al. (2012). A co-word analysis of digital library field in China. Scientometrics, 91(1): 203-217.

• Changping Hu, Jiming Hu (*), et al. (2011). A journal co-citation analysis of library and information science in China. Scientometrics, 86(3): 657-670.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

Jiming Hu, Jing Yu. (2015).Continuance intention to use the mobile interest-based community: An integrated theoretical model and empirical study. Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science, 8(2):52-68.

• Jiming Hu. (2015). Mechanism of Information Dissemination under Socialization Networking Environment. Information Science,(1):15-18,34.

• Jiming Hu, Lu Xiao. (2014). Semantic incremental improvement on vector space model for text modeling. New Technology of Library and Information Service, (10):49-55.

Jiming Hu, Guo Chen. (2014). Study on improvement of text classification using HS-SVM. New Technology of Library and Information Service, (9):74-80.

• Jiming Hu, Guo Chen. (2014). Mining and Evolution of Content Topics Based on Dynamic LDA. Library and Information Service, 58(2): 138-142.

• Jiming Hu, Xin Lin. (2014). Simulation Description of Users' Relational Network Structure in the Social Network Environment. Information and Documentation Services,(2): 39-43.

• Jiming Hu, Mandi Zhang. (2014). Model of Socialization and Minority Recommendation based on Association of Users-Resources. Information Studies:Theory Application, (4):123-126,118.

• Jiming Hu,Mandi Zhang. (2014). Service Expansion of Digital Library Based on Knowledge Community in Universities. Document, Information Knowledge, (3),117-123.

• Jiming Hu, Changping Hu. (2013). Modeling of Users' Preference Based on Improved Discovery of Relationship Community. Journal of the China Society for Scientific Andtechnical Information, 32(7):763-768.

• Jiming Hu, Changping Hu. (2013). Users' Preference Modeling Based on Topic Hierarchical Tree and Semantic Vector Space Model. Journal of the China Society for Scientific Andtechnical Information, 32(8 ):838-843.

• Jiming Hu, et al. (2013). Influence of Users' Relationship under Social Networking Environment on Information Dissemination——Taking Sina Microblog as An Example. Journal of Intelligence, (6):181-185.

• Jiming Hu, et al. (2013). Review of Research of the Information Recommendation in the Social Network Environment, Information and Documentation Services, (2):35-39.

• Jiming Hu, Changping Hu. (2014). Application of Knowledge Community Oriented to Collaboration and Innovation in Practical Teaching. Journal of Information Resources Management, (4):90-94.

• Changping Hu, Jiming Hu, et al. (2013). Information Aggregation Service Based on the Role of Socialization Groups. Journal of Library Science in China, (3):51-56.

• Jiming Hu, et al. User’s Preference Modeling Based on the Improved Relation Community Discovering. The proceeding of COINFO 2013


• Jiming Hu. 2014. Study on Information Recommendation Service Based on Users’ Relations under Socialization Networking Environment. Wuhan University Press. (Excellent Dissertation for doctor degree in Hubei Province)


Government-funded grants (principal investigator)

• Information Recommendation based on the Association of Users-Resources under Social Networking Environment. National Natural Science Foundation of China(71303178)

• Information Content Topic Mining and Semantic Classification under Social Network environment. Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China(13YJC870008)

• Modeling and empirically analyzing the e-governance information system behavior in the developing of Intelligent Government. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Funded Project(2015M572202)

• Study on Information Recommendation Based on Users’ Relations under Socialization Networking Environment. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Funded Project (2013T60750)

• Study on users’ relation community discovering and users’ preference modeling under socialization networking environment. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Funded Project(2012M521479)


• Excellent Dissertation for doctor degree in Hubei Province, 2013


• 08/2015-08/2016 Visiting scholar in Kent State University, USA
