
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Rongying Zhao

2018-09-20 10:20:07



Rongying Zhao

Academic / job titles

Professor, PhD Supervisor, Director of Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation in Wuhan University.

Contact Information


School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R.China. 430072


Tel: 027-68754477(O)

Room No



• Informetrics & Scientific Evaluation

• Knowledge Management & Competitive Intelligence

• Information Management & Information Resource Management


• Informetrics

• Bibliometrics

• Knowledge Management

• Informetrics & Scientific Evaluation


English Journal Papers (International)

1. The Network Pattern of Journal Knowledge Transfer in Library and Information Science in China [J]. Knowledge Organization, 2014, 41(4). (SSCI)

2. Study on Themes and Authors’ Influence of Open Access in China [J]. Scientometrics, 2014, 101(2): 1165-1177. (SSCI, SCI)

3. Appling Author Co-citation Analysis to User Interaction Analysis: a Case Study on Instant Messaging Groups [J]. Scientometrics, 2014, 102(2): 985-997. (SSCI, SCI)

4. Study on Enterprise Knowledge Sharing in ESN Perspective: a Chinese Case Study [J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2013, 17(3): 416-434. (SSCI)

5. Visualizing the Research on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing [J]. Scientometrics, 2010, 86(3): 593-612. (SSCI, SCI)

6. The Notion and Characters of Knowledge Networks [J]. Knowledge Organization, 2008, 35(1):47-54. (SSCI)

7. Study on the Development of Informetrics Tools. Geomantic and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2012, 37(10):233-236. (EI)

8. Innovation Capability Evaluation and Analysis for Chinese Universities in 2012[J]. Geomantic and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2012(37): 7-11. (EI)

9. A Bibliometrics Analysis on Knowledge Transfer at Home and Abroad. Geomantic and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2012(37):7-10. (EI)

10. Visualization Analysis on the Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Research. International Conference on BEMI, 2011(2): 599-602. (EI)

11. Visual Analysis of Hotspot and Frontier of Traditional Chinese Medicine[C]. Management and Service Science (MASS), 2011 International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 1-4. (EI)

12. Visual Analysis on the Research of Cross-language Information Retrieval[C]. Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE), 2011 International Conference on IEEE, 2011:32-35. (EI)

13. From the Knowledge Management to Knowledge Management Science[C]. Management and Service Science (MASS), 2010 International Conference on IEEE, 2010:1-4. (EI)

14. Research of International Webometrics in Frontier Domains in Visualized Information[C]. Management and Service Science (MASS), 2010 International Conference on IEEE, 2010:1-4. (EI)

15. Visualization Analysis of the Evolution from the Bibliometrics to Webometrics [J]. Information Science, 2011, 35(02):97-101. (EI)

16. Visual Analysis of International Oil Flax Research[C]. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 343: 673-677. (EI)

17. Visual Analysis on the Research of Oil Crop[C]. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 343: 668-672. (EI)

18. A Bibliometrics Study on Research Competitiveness of Engineering Universities in China[C]. Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09. International Conference on IEEE, 2009:1-4. (EI)

19. The Exploration of Evolution of Knowledge Network[C]. Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS '09. International Conference on IEEE, 2009:1-5. (EI)

20. “The Notion and Characters of Knowledge Network.” Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008. WiCOM '08. 4th International Conference on IEEE, 2008:1-4. (EI)

21. Analysis and Research on Application of China C2C Websites Evaluating Index System [J]. Information Science, 2007:431-442.

22. New Development of Scientific Data Analysis Method: Visualization Analysis. Sharing Scientific and Technological Resources in the Era of Big Data, COINFO2013 Proceedings [C]. Beijing: Science Press, 2013: 231-234.

23. The Analysis and Visualization Study on the Big Data Research Papers in China from the Years of 2003 to 2013[C]. Beijing: Science Press, 2013: 256-261.

24. Analysis the National Science Foundation from 2001 to 2012-in Perspective of “Library, Information and Archival Management Subject”[C]. Beijing: Science Press, 2013: 9-15.

25. “The Notion and Characters of Knowledge Network.” Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008. WiCOM '08. 4th International Conference on IEEE, 2008:1-4.

Chinese Journal Papers (Domestic)

1. The Case Study on Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Based on IM Social Network [J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2012.

2. Knowledge Mapping Analysis of Library Science [J]. The Journal of the Library Science in China, 2011(1).

3. Visualization Analysis of the Hot Domains and the Research Edge in the field of Webometrics [J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information,2011(3).

4. The Knowledge Map of the Evolution and Research Frontiers of the Bibliometrics [J]. The Journal of the Library Science in China, 2010(5).

5. International Competitiveness of Chinese Academic Journals [J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2008(3).

6. Methodology of Webometrics [J]. The Journal of the Library Science in China, 2008(2).

7. Study on Knowledge Network (Part Ⅰ)-The Exploration of Evolution of Knowledge Network[J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2007(2).

8. Study on Knowledge Network (PartⅡ)-The Notion and Characters of Knowledge Network[J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2007(3).

9. Study on Knowledge Network (PartⅢ)-Analysis of the Characteristics of Knowledge Network[J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2007(4).

10. A study of Basic Issues in Webometrics [J]. Journal of Library Science in China, 2007(5).

11. Exploration of the Supplementary Metrology and Analysis tool [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2015, (6).

12. The Current Situation of Digital Library Resources Semantization in China [J]. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2015, (2).

13. Research on personal Information Protection in the Government Information Disclosure’s Background - based on the Succeed Model in Library United States [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2015, 38, (8).

14. Research on Theoretical Model - building about the Implementation of Domestic Enterprise Competitive Intelligence from the Perspective of Strategic Behavior [J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2015, (8).

15. An Analysis on Evaluation and Results about World Class University Scientific Research Competitiveness from 2014 to 2015 [J].Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2015, (1).

16. Visualization Analysis of the Evolution of Scientometrics – In the View of ISSI Conference [J].Journal of Intelligence, 2015, (2).

17. Study on Scientometrics Hot Frontier and Mainstream Research Area [J]. Library and Information Service, 2015, (2).

18. An Analysis of Library-collected Digital Resources Semantic Depth Polymerization Based on Coupling Relationship [J].Information and Documentation Services, 2015, (2).

19. Comparison of methods and ranking World University Rankings [J]. Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), 2015, (3).

20. Optimization of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence Strategy from the Perspective of Electronic Commerce Act [J].Journal of Wuhan Business University, 2015, (1).

21. Bibliometrics Analysis on Fund Theses of APEC Members in the Field of Computer Science [J].Journal of Modern Information, 2015, (7).

22. Econometric Analysis of China's Big Data Field of Research Papers in 2003-2013 [J]. Journal of the China Society of Indexers, 2014, (01).

23. Study on Clustering of Retrieval Result of Chinese Papers Based on Co-occurrence Analysis [J]. Information Science, 2014, (01).

24. Perspective of Library, Intelligence and Archives Management Discipline Research Topics and Trend from 2001 to 2012 the National Science Foundation for the Research Angle of View [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, (02).

25. Survey and Analysis of Informetrics Education in Foreign [J]. Documentation, Information & Knowledge, 2014, (02).

26. A Comparative Study of Academic Search Engines between Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search [J]. Information Science,2014, (02).

27. Visualizing Comparative Analysis of Impact Factor at Home and Abroad [J]. Information Science,2014, (03).

28. The Influence Factors of Microblog Information Dissemination Research Analysis [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, (03).

29. Research on the Collection Semantic Aggregation Based on Co-word Analysis [J]. Information and Documentation Services, 2014, (04).

30. Bibliometrics Analysis of Information Visualization Theses in China in the Last Decade [J]. Information Science,2014, (05).

31. Research Progress of Intelligence Information Visualization Analysis Method [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, (06).

32. Based on the Social Label Co-occurrence Analysis of Web Resources Polymerization Process Research [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, (07).

33. Study on Network Structure and Pattern of Knowledge Transfer in Library and Information Science Journals: Based on Journal Cross-Citation Network [J]. Library Journal, 2014, (08).

34. Research Review on the Mode of Library Resources Aggregation [J]. Library and Information Service, 2014, (18).

35. Citation in Full-text: The Development of Citation Analysis [J]. Library and Information Service, 2014, (09).

36. Study of the Theory of the Knowledge Transfer Based on Citation Relations [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, (12).

37. Development and Dreams --World-Class University from 2014 to 2015 and Discipline Competitiveness Evaluation and Results Analysis [J]. Evaluation & Management, 2014, (09).

38. Study of the Development of Informetrics Tools [J]. Information Science, 2014, (02).

39. Research on the Collection Semantic Aggregation Based on Co-word Analysis [J]. Information and Documentation Services, 2014, (04).

40. Citation in Full-text: The Development of Citation Analysis [J]. Library and Information Service, 2014, (09).

41. A Study of Knowledge Mapping Comparison of the Research Subject of Library and Information Science at Home and Abroad [J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2014, (02).

42. Analysis of Semantic Annotation Research Progress at Home and Abroad [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, (05).

43. Innovation Main Body of Knowledge Flow in Regional Innovation System Research [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014, (07).

44. Revealing the Semantic Association of Digital Literature Resources from Informetrics Perspective [J]. Library and Information Service,2014, (07).

45. Analysis on Research Status Quo of Information Resources Allocation in Regional Innovation System [J]. Information Research, 2014, (08).

46. Analysis on Innovation Index of China Universities in 2012 [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2013, (01).

47. Thematic Analysis of Library Collection Resource in China Based on The Strategic Diagrams [J]. Library and Information, 2013, (02).

48. An Empirical Research of Knowledge Transfer Patten Based on Citation Relationship: Taking the Research of Knowledge Management as An Example [J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2013, (03).

49. Current Status of "Library,Information and Archival Management" Subject in China: In Perspective of NSSF Program and NNSF Program between 2001 and 2012 [J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2013, (07).

50. New Development of Scientific Data Analysis Method:Visualization Analysis[C]. Science Press, 2013, (10).

51. The Analysis and Visualization Study on the Big Data Research Papers in China from the Years of 2003 to 2013[C]. Science Press, 2013, (10).

52. Analysis the National Science Foundation from 2001 to 2012—in Perspective of “Library, Information and Archival Management” Subject[C]. Science Press, 2013, (10).

53. Open Access Research Topic in Our Country and the Analysis of the Author Influence --Strategic Coordinates and the Integration of Social Network Analysis Perspective [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application,2013(11).

54. Visualized Analysis of Researches on Web Impact Factor at Home and Abroad [J]. Information Research, 2013, (11).

55. Visualization Analysis of Hot Research Topics and Frontiers in the Field of

Information Service [J]. Information Science,2013,(12).

56. Study of the Development of Informetrics Tools [J]. Information Science,2013,(12).

57. Design and Implementation of LIS Blog Search Engine Based on Nutch [J]. Information Science, 2012, (4).

58. Innovation Index Evaluation and Analysis for Chinese University in 2012 [J]. Evaluation Management, 2012, (3).

59. Mapping of Intellectual Property in China Based on CSSCI [J]. Library Journal, 2012, (10).

60. The Academic Significance of the Forwarding Mechanism to Domestic Academic Blog [J]. Library and information Service, 2012, (2).

61. Research on Information Service of Social Science in our Country in the Last Ten Years Based on Co-word Analysis [J]. Library and information Service, 2012, (2).

62. Research of International Social Network Analysis in Frontier Domains in Visualized Information [J]. Document, Information & Knowledge, 2011, (1).

63. Cross-language Information Retrieval Knowledge Map Research [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2011, (10).

64. Visualization Analysis on International Information Retrieval Models. Library and Information Service, 2010, (18).

65. Visible Study of the Status Quo of Research on Knowledge Management [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2010, (12).

66. Current Status of Development and Study of Publishing Scientific Papers via Internet [J]. Information Science, 2009, (2).

67. Research on Function and Influence of Taking Scientific Papers Published via Internet into Scientific Research Management and the Evaluation System [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2009, (2).

68. The Evaluation Mechanism of Science and Research Management of Scientific

Papers Published via Internet [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2009, (3).

69. Quantitative Analysis of H-index [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2009, (7).

70. Comparative Research on the International Competitiveness of Academic

Periodicals between China and Japan [J]. China Publishing Journal, 2008, (3).

71. The International Competitiveness of Academic Journals: Comparison between China and India [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2008, (4).

72. Comparison of Strength between Chinese and American Research Universities [J]. Higher Education Development and Evaluation, 2008, (5).

73. A Metrological Research on Science Research Competitive Abilities of Chinese "985" Universities: Take the Material Science and the Engineering as Examples [J]. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2008, (2).

74. Construction of Development and Evaluation Information System of Humanity & Social Science [J]. Document, Information & Knowledge, 2008, (2).

75. The Comparative Study on the Citation Functions of Five Major Databases [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2008, (4).

76. Analysis on the Relationship of Digital Library and Knowledge Network [J].

Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2008, (6).

77. Study on the Classification of Knowledge Network [J]. Library and Information Service, 2007, (09).

78. Basic Terminology of Hyperlink Analysis and Its Standardization [J]. Library and Information Service, 2007, (09).

79. Ideas and Practices of University Diagnosis [J]. High Education Development and Evaluation, 2007, (01).

80. Significance, Philosophy and Practice of Evaluation for World Top Universities and Discipline Competitiveness [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2007, (05).

81. Analysis and Research on Application of China C2C Websites Evaluating Index System [J]. Information science, 2007, (11).

82. The Structure of Knowledge Network [J]. Library and Information Service, 2007, (09).

83. The Characteristics of Humanities Research and Their Impacts on Research Evaluation [J]. Journal of Chongqing University, 2007, (05).

84. Theories and Practice in the Course Construction of Bibliometrics and Informetrics [J]. Document, Information & Knowledge, 2007, (03).

85. Study on Webometrics (Part 1) -Status Quo and Trends of Hyperlink Analysis Studies [J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2005, (02).

86. Study on Webometrics (Part 2)-Study on the Methodology of Hyperlink Research [J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2005, (03).

87. Study on Webometrics (Part 4)-Study on the Characters of Hyperlink Based on the Layer of Website [J]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2005, (05).

88. The Disciplinary Foundation of Content Analysis [J]. Library and Information Service, 2005, (06).

89. Ideas and Practices of University Scientific Research Competitiveness Evaluation [J]. High Education Development and Evaluation, 2005, (01).

90. Study on the Development of CNKI [J]. Information science, 2005, (04).

91. The Development of Information Science in the Last Ten Years and its Philosophy Thinking [J]. Knowledge of Library and Information, 2003, (6)

Academic works:

1. Science of Competitive Intelligence. Beijing: Science Press, 2012.1, Chief Editor.

2. Bibliometrics Method and Content Analysis Method. Beijing: National Library Press, 2008.10, the first Associate Editor.

3. A study on International Competitiveness of Scientific & Technological Publishing. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2008.6, Associate Editor.

4. Knowledge Network and its Application. Beijing: Beijing Library Press, 2007.8, Chief Editor.

5. Informetrics. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007.1, the First Associate Editor.

6. Knowledge Management Science. Beijing: Science and Technology Document Press, 2006.3, Associate Editor.

7. Bibliometrics and Content Analysis. Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2005.5, Associate Editor.

8. University Evaluation and Scientific Research Evaluation. Beijing: Huaxia press, 2005.3, Associate Editor.

9. Chinese Academic Journals Comprehensive Citation Report (2003). Beijing: Chinese Academic Journal (CD) E-magazine, 2004.4, Associate Editor.

10. Study on Comprehensive Development of Yellow River Irrigation Area in Gansu Province. Lanzhou University Press, 1997, Associate Editor.

11. An Evaluation Report of World - class Universities and Subjects’ Competitiveness (2013, 2014-2015): Beijing: Science Press, Chief Editor.

12. An Evaluation Report of World - class Universities and Subjects Competitiveness 2012. Beijing: China Machine Press, Chief Editor.

13. An Evaluation Report of World - class Universities and Subjects’ Competitiveness (2007, 2009, and 2011): Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor.

14. An Evaluation Report of Chinese University and Subject (2013-2014, 2014-2015). Beijing: Science Press, Chief Editor.

15. Selecting your Proper University: Evaluation Report of Chinese Universities (2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-20132013-2014, 2014-2015). Beijing: Science Press, Chief Editor.

16. University Evaluation & Research Evaluation (2013-2014, 2014-2015). Science Press, Chief Editor.

17. Evaluation Report of Postgraduate Education in China (2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2014-2015). Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor.

18. Evaluation Report of Postgraduate Education in China (2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010). Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor.

19. A Report on the Competitiveness Evaluation of Universities and Subjects in China (2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012). Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor.

20. Report on Chinese Academic Journals Evaluation (2009, 2010). Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor.

21. A Report on the Competitiveness Evaluation of Universities in China (2005, 2006-2007). Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor.


1. She presided over MOE Social Science Foundation Project: Theory and Key Technology Research on Semantic Aggregation of Library Digital Resources. (13YJA870023).

2. She presided over major projects of the National Social Science Fund Project: Theory and Key Technology Research on Semantic Aggregation of Library Digital Resources.

3. She presided over the Ministry of Education Base Project: the Study of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence Strategy.

4. She presided over Sub-project of National Key Social Science Foundation Project: Research on Aggregation and Visualization of Library Digital Resources Based on Semantization. (11&ZD152).

5. She presided over National Social Science Foundation Project: Research on the Application of Social Network in the Knowledge Sharing. (09BTQ022).

6. She presided over the special research project: Project 211 School Building Performance Assessment. Entrusted by 211 Project Office belonging to the Ministry of Education. Its research achievements are recognized by 211 Project Office and was adopted by "the 211 Project" Decade of Development Report.

7. She presided over the Ministry of Education project: Research on Function and Influence of Taking Scientific Papers Published via Internet into Scientific Research Management and the Evaluation System.

8. She presided over the independent research project of Wuhan University: Wuhan University, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Results Evaluation.

9. She presided over the Jiangxi Science and Technology Institute of science and technology project: the Competitiveness Evaluation and Construction Strategy of China's top Private Colleges and Universities.

10. She presided over Ningbo University project: the Evaluation Criteria and the Development Strategy of the China's top Local Colleges and Universities -- Taking Ningbo University as an Example.

11. She held the subject: Science and Technology Bibliography (1958-1990) Database Development and Construction in Gansu Agricultural Academy. Its results reached the advanced level, identified by the Gansu Science and Technology Commission in 1997, and were awarded the second prize of Information Science and Technology Committee in 1998.

12. She participated in the National Natural Science Foundation named: A study on Internet Academic Information Distributing and changing law and its application. (70673071).

13. She participated in the National Natural Science Foundation project: A theory, method and empirical study on Webometrics. (G70273032).

14. She participated in the Ministry of Education Base project: Comparative and Synthetic Research on Content Analysis and Bibliometrics. (02JAZJD870003).

15. She was engaged in a major research sub-project: Evaluation on the Research Achievements of Humanities Social Science Education in Chinese universities. (D3JZD0039-5).

16. She participated in the "China Youth Daily" cooperation project: Development and Utilization of China University Evaluation System. (104232996).

17. She participated in National Social Science Foundation Key Project: Empirical Analysis and Construction on the Assessment System of Chinese Humanities Social Science research. (05AZX004).

18. She took part in the project commissioned by the Ministry of Science: National Science and Technology Awards Disciplines and Code System.

(2005 -Advantech -001).

19. She participated in the project commissioned by the Ministry of Science: Study on Recommendation, Assessment and Monitoring Mechanism of National Science and Technology Award. (2005 - Advantech -002).

20. She participated in the Project: Study on the Comprehensive Agricultural Development along Yellow River Irrigation Area in Gansu Province. Held by Gansu Science and Technology Commission in August, 1997.The results identified by the Gansu Science and Technology Commission reached the advanced level.


1. The project, "Knowledge Network and its Application research" won the third prize of Science and Technology Progress of Hubei province.

2. Ph. D. thesis, “Knowledge Network and Its application” was regarded as the 2008 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Hubei Province, was written alone.

3. The course “Informetrics “was named "National Excellent Courses” by the Ministry of Education, “Provincial Classic Course”, the second one of the main teachers about this course.

4. “Theory and Practice of the University and Disciplinary Specialty Evaluation” in January 2007 won the second prize for Outstanding Teaching and Research Achievements in Wuhan University, the second author.

5. A series of papers on “Study on Webometrics” in November 2007 was be honored with the second prize for Outstanding Achievements of the Eleventh Humanities and Social Science, the second author.

6. “Informetrics” in 2008 gained the third prize of the Eleventh Social Science Excellence Award in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the second author.

7. “Science and Technology Document Bibliography of Academy of Agricultural Science in Gansu Province (1958-1990)” in 1998, received second prize of Technology Information from Gansu Science and Technology Committee, the first author.


Dr. Rongying Zhao is a Professor of Information Science in School of Information Management, Wuhan University. She is also the Director of RCCSE (Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation) of Wuhan University. And she was a visiting scholar of University of Pittsburgh from 2011 to 2012.

She has undertaken more than 10 projects subsized by NSSFC, Ministry of Education and other agencies. She has published more than 100 pieces of papers in Chinese and international peer reviewed journals and several books in Chinese. Also, she has taught the National Excellent Course “Informetrics” and won the third prize of S&T Progress of Hubei Province.


• Member of the Chinese Association of Science of Science and S&T Policy Research Council.

• Member and Deputy Secretary General of the Fourth Council of China Society of Indexers.
