
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Xianjin Zha

2018-09-20 10:20:07



Xianjin Zha

Academic / job titles

Doctor, Full Professor, PhD Supervisor

Contact Information

School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

430072 Email:xianjinzha@163.com

Room No.



• Information resources management

• Adoption and use of information systems in the Chinese context

• Information analysis and competitive intelligence

• Information behavior

• Supply chain management


• Information analysis

• Enterprise competitive intelligence

• Information resources management


English Journal Papers (International)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Li Li, Haijuan Yang. Exploring the adoption of digital libraries in the mobile context: The effect of psychological factors and mobile context factors. Information Development, forthcoming (SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan. Comparing digital libraries in the Web and mobile context from the perspective of the digital divide. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, forthcoming (SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, Daochen Zha. Sound information seeking in Web 2.0 virtual communities: The moderating effect of mindfulness. Behaviour & Information Technology, forthcoming (SSCI,SCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jing Li, Yalan Yan. Advertising value and credibility transfer: attitude towards web advertising and online information acquisition. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2015, 34(5): 520-532 (SSCI,SCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, Wang Wentao. Comparing flow experience in using digital libraries Web and mobile context. Library Hi Tech, 2015, 33 (1): 41-45(SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, Zhiliang Xiao. Does affinity matter? Slow effects of e-quality on information seeking in virtual communities. Library & Information Science Research, 2015, 37(1): 68-76 (SSCI)

• Yalan Yan, Xianjin Zha, Ming Yan. Exploring employee perceptions of Web 2.0 virtual communities from the perspective of knowledge sharing. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2014, 66(4): 381-400 (SSCI, SCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, Zhiliang Xiao. User perceptions of e-quality of and affinity with virtual communities: The effect of individual differences. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014, 38: 185-195 (SSCI)

• Yalan Yan, Xianjin Zha. Comparison between user affinity with digital libraries and virtual communities. Learned Publishing, 2014, 27(2): 135-143 (SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan. Exploring the effect of individual differences on user perceptions of print and electronic resources. Library Hi Tech, 2014, 32 (2): 346-367(SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Zhiliang Xiao, Jinchao Zhang. A survey of user perceptions of digital library e-quality and affinity. Serials Review, 2014, 40 (1): 3-11(SSCI)

• Yalan Yan, Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Xiaorong Hou. Comparing digital libraries with virtual communities from the perspective of e-quality. Library Hi Tech, 2014, 32 (1): 173-189(SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jing Li, Yalan Yan. Information self-efficacy and information channels: Decision quality and online shopping satisfaction. Online Information Review, 2013, 37(6): 872-890(SSCI,SCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jing Li, Yalan Yan. Understanding the moderating effect of tie on the transfer of ease of use and usefulness from print resources to electronic resources. Library & Information Science Research, 2013, 35 (3): 223-231(SSCI)

• Yalan Yan, Xianjin Zha, Zhiliang Xiao. Exploring users’ perceptions of conventional and unconventional electronic resources. Serials Review, 2013, 39 (2): 105-113(SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jing Li, Yalan Yan. Comparison between Chinese and English electronic resources. Library Hi Tech, 2013, 31 (1): 109-122(SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jing Li, Yalan Yan. Understanding preprint sharing on Sciencepaper Online from the perspectives of motivation and trust. Information Development, 2013, 29 (1): 81-95(SSCI)

• Xianjin Zha, Jing Li, Yalan Yan. Understanding usage transfer from print resources to electronic resources: A survey of users of Chinese university libraries. Serials Review, 2012, 38 (2): 93-98(SSCI)

Chinese Journal Papers (Domestic)

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan. Impacting factors of users’ academic information seeking behavior in the context of microblogs: A dual-route perspective of information quality and information source credibility. Journal of Library Science in China, 2015(3): 71-86

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan. Review on network information behavior research based on six international main stream journals in the field of library and information science. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2014(7): 752-764

• Xianjin Zha, Jinchao Zhang, Yalan Yan, Jing Li. Review on the research status and development trend of network information behavior. Journal of Library Science in China, 2014(4): 100-115

• Xianjin Zha, Jing Li, Yalan Yan. Impact of trust on quick sharing intention: Evidence from Chinese Science Paper Online. Library Tribune, 2011(6): 232-239

• Xianjin Zha, Minghong Chen. Research on quality assessment of information resources. Journal of Library Science in China, 2010(2): 46-55

• Xianjin Zha, Chen Cao. Bibliometric analysis of information resources allocation research in China over the past 20 years. Library and Information Service, 2010(20): 6-10

• Xianjin Zha, Bin Lv. Study on the behaviour of social tagging from the aspect of knowledge sharing. Library Tribune, 2010(6): 76-81

• Xianjin Zha, Minghong Chen. Evaluation of the efficiency of Chinese network information resources allocation based on DEA method. Library and Information Service, 2009(9): 16-19

• Xianjin Zha, Mi Yan, Yalan Yan. System dynamics modeling for network environment in China. China Soft Science, 2007(1): 128-133

• Xianjin Zha. Probe into talent cultivating direction and course system in the speciality of information management and information system. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2003(4): 507-512

• Xianjin Zha. Government information resources management and its development trends. Journal of Library Science in China, 2002(4): 37-39

• Xianjin Zha. Effective allocation of information resources oriented to fast information networks. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 1999(3): 255-259


• Xianjin Zha, Yalan Yan. Supply chain management. Wuhan University Press, 2013

• Xianjin Zha. Enterprise competitive intelligence. Wuhan University Press, 2012

• Xianjin Zha. Information analysis. Wuhan University Press, 2011

• Xianjin Zha. Information policies and laws. Science Press, 2004


• Xianjin Zha, Yalan Yan, Jing Li. Digital information resources allocation. Wuhan University Press, 2013

• Xianjin Zha, Minghong Chen, Feng Yang. Competitive intelligence and enterprise crisis management. Wuhan University Press, 2010

• Xianjin Zha et al. Information resources allocation and sharing. Wuhan University Press, 2008


Government-funded grants

• (NSFC) Study on influencing patterns and optimizing of network information behavior given the moderating effect of need and capability (Principal Investigator, PI)

• (NSFC) Study on impacting factors and behavior patterns of information resources allocation (PI)

• (NSSFC) Analysis of network digital resources sharing obstacles and goal achievement study (PI)

• (MOE_KRIHSSU) Study on theories and models of information resources allocation (PI)

• (NCET) Study on the quick response mode of enterprise competitive intelligence based on emergence (PI)

• (FRFCU) Study on the effect of multi-discipline fusion on the methodology of information science (PI)

• (NSFC) Deep development and management mechanism of digital information resources based on the lifecycle theory (Co-Investigator, CI)

• (NSSFC) Study on the countermeasure of information resources value-added utilization in Chinese public sectors (CI)

• (MOE) Study on the plan, management and utilization of digital information resources (CI)

• (NSFC) Study on information resources sharing and efficiency in the context of network computing (CI)


NSFC - National Natural Science Foundation of China

NSSFC - National Social Science Foundation of China

MOE_KRIHSSU - MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities

FRFCU - Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

MOE – MOE Key Project of Philosophical and Social Science Research


• Luojia Professor of Wuhan University


• Dr. Xianjin Zha is a Full Professor (Luojia Professor) of Information Science in both School of Information Management and Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University. He has published over 90 articles in major English or Chinese journals such as Library & Information Science Research, Online Information Review, Computers in Human Behavior, Library Hi Tech, Serials Review, Information Development, Behaviour & Information Technology, Journal of Library Science in China, Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, China Soft Science, among others.

• Referee for academic journals:

Online Information Review

Aslib Journal of Information Management

Information Development

Internet Research

The Journal of Academic Librarianship

Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information

Library and Information Service

Management Review

Journal of Systems & Management

Documentation, Information & Knowledge

Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science



• The head of Department of Information Management Science.


• Visiting scholar of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2011


• Executive member of the China Information Economics Society Council

• Member of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information Council

• Member of the Council of the Information Society of Hubei Province

• ASIS&T member

• AIS member
