
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Wei Lu

2018-09-20 10:20:07



Wei Lu

Academic / job titles

Professor of Information Science

Vice dean of School of Information Management

Director of Information Retrieval and Knowledge Mining Center

Contact Information

+86 15871683787

reedwhu@gmail.com orweilu@whu.edu.cn

Room No

Room 227, School of Information Management


• information retrieval, knowledge mining and visualization

• competitive intelligence methods and technology, knowledge management


• Introduction for Information Retrieval (bachelor’s level)

• Information Organization (bachelor’s level)

• Introduction to Information Management (single lecture guest, bachelor’s level)

• Advances in Information Retrieval (master's level/ doctor’s level)


Journal Papers (International)

• Wang, Xiaoguang, Qikai Cheng, and Wei Lu. Analyzing evolution of research topics with NEViewer: a new method based on dynamic co-word networks. Scientometrics 101.2 (2014).

• Xiaojuan Zhang, Wei Lu, Miao Jun. Exploring Features of Automatic Identification of News Intent Through a Query Log Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University 39(10).

• Zhang Xiaojuan, Lu Wei. Identifying user intent through query refinements. Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science.2013-09-25.

• Wei Lu, Shuguang Han, Xiaojuan Zhang. Web Citations Inaccessibility and its solutions. Journal of Library Science in China, 2010 (2).

Journal Papers (Domestic)

• Wei Lu, Chuan Wu. Literature Review on Entity Linking. Journal of The China Society For Scientific and Technical Information. 2015(1).

• Wei Lu,Rui Meng, Xingbang Liu. Citation Content Annotation Framework Research for Reference. Journal of Library Science in China. 2014,06-10.

• Wei Lu,Yong Huang, QiKai Cheng. The Structure Function Recognition of Academic Text(I)——Function Framework and Section Header Based Recognition. Journal of The China Society For Scientific and Technical Information. 2014(9).

• Qikai Cheng, Wei Lu. An Information Retrieval Model Based on Weighted Graph and Sentence. Journal of The China Society For Scientific and Technical Information.2013,32.

• Wei Lu, Jiangen He, Xiaoguang Wang, A Visualization Technique for Multidimensional Data with Hierarchical and Temporal Structure. Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information. 2012, 31(11): 1131-1139.

• Xiaojuan Zhang, Wei Lu, Sheng Wei Lei. The Automatic Intention Recognition Based on the Analysis of Characteristics of Query. Journal of The China Society For Scientific and Technical Information. 58(20): 82-90.

Conference Papers (International)

• Kun Lu, Wei Lu, Qikai Cheng, Shengwei Lei and Jiangen He. A Visualization Tool For Topic Evolution Among Research Fields. ISSI 2013.

• Qikai Cheng, Xiaoguang Wang, Wei Lu,and Shuguang Han. NEVIEWER: A New Software For Analyzing The Evolution Of Research Topics. ISSI 2013.

• Lu, Wei, Cheng, Qikai, & Lioma, Christina. (2012). Fixed versus dynamic co-occurrence windows in textrank term weights for information retrieval. SIGIR 2012.

• Christina Lioma, Birger Larsen, Wei Lu. Rhetorical Relations for Information Retrieval. SIGIR 2012.

• Wei Lu, Qi Wang, Birger Larsen. Simulating Aggregated Search. ECIR TBAS 2012

• Xuefeng Wu, Wei Lu, Jiepu Jiang. Journal evaluation using the importance of authors in co-authorship network. iConference 2011.


• The Chapter of “Foundations and Methods for Information Retrieval” in the textbook “Information Retrieval: Theory and Methods”(in Chinese) edited by Ye Ying.




• National Natural Science Foundation of China “Vocabulary Function Based Academic Text Semantic Recognition and Knowledge Map Construction”, 2015-2019.

• National Natural Science Foundation of China “Framework and Implements of Language Model Based Generic Entity Retrieval”, 2012-2015.

• Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of Chin “Discipline-oriented Web Information Aggregation and Information Service”, 2012-2015.

• Ministry of Education Social Science Major Foundation of China “Framework for Fine-grained Internet Information Retrieval”, 2011-2013.


• National Social Science Major Foundation of China “Construction of Information System for Smart City Emergency Decision Support”, 2013-2017.

• The National Key Technology R&D Program “The Development of Information Forecast and Decision Support System for Electric Vehicle Technology”, 2013-2015.


• Luojia Distinguished Professor,2014

• Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Wuhan University, 2010

• Course Information Organization was awarded as the Top Qualified Course in Hubei, 2007

• Course Information Retrieval was awarded as the National Top Qualified Course, 2010

• Series papers about Implementation and Evaluation of XML Document Level Retrieval based on field-weighted term frequency won the second prize in the field of Humanities & Social Science in Wuhan, 2007

• Journal paper Design and Implementation of Organization Expert Search System won the Best Paper in the field of natural science in Hubei, 2011

• Proceeding paper Factors that influencing Information Retrieval Fusion won the Best Paper in the 30 anniversary of Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2012


• 1992 - 1996, Wuhan University, Bachelor degree in Scientific and Technological Information

• 1996 - 1999, Wuhan University, Master degree in Scientific and Technological Information

• 1999 - 2002, Wuhan University, PhD in Information Sciences

• 2005.03 - 2006.08, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, City University London, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

• 2011.11 - 2012.08, visiting scholar, The Royal School of Library and Information Science, The Kingdom of Demark

• 2004 – 2008, Associate Professor in Library and Information Science, Wuhan University

• 2008 – Present, Professor in Library and Information Science, Wuhan University


Journal of Data and Information Science (international journal)

• Journal of The China Society For Scientific and Technical Information (Chinese journal)

• New Technology of Library and Information Service (Chinese journal)

• Library and Information Service (Chinese journal)


• The 9th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO 2014), Suzhou, Jiangsu, 2014

• 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2013

• ECIR Workshop on Task-Based and Aggregated Search (TBAS 2012), Barcelona, Spain, 2012
