
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Quan Lu

2018-09-20 10:20:07


Quan Lu

Academic / job titles


Contact Information

School of Information Management, Wuhan University

                   No 8. East lake road, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China

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• knowledge organization and knowledge service

• decision support system

• human-computer interaction

• user needs and user studies

• big data intelligence


• decision support system

• human-computer interaction theory and technology

• data analysis and mining

• health information management

• information organization and knowledge organization


•Quan Lu(Corresponding author). Image annotation tactics, transitions, strategies and efficiency, Information Processing and Management, Volume 54, Issue 6, November 2018, Pages 985-1001

•Quan Lu, Jiyue Zhang, Jing Chen, Ji Li, (2018). Predicting readers’ domain knowledge based on eye-tracking measures, The Electronic Library, Vol. 36 Issue: 6, pp.1027-1042https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-05-2017-0108

•Lu Q, Zhang J, Chen J, et al. Differences between experts and novices when reading with navigational table of contents[J]. Library Hi Tech, 2018,36(2): 194-210.

•Jing Chen, Dan Wang, Quan Lu(Corresponding author), Zeyuan Xu , (2016), " THC-DAT helps in reading a multi-topic document: Results from a user-centered evaluation of a within-document analysis tool ", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 34 Iss 4 pp. 685 - 704

•Jing Chen , Tian Tian Wang , Quan Lu(Corresponding author), (2016) "THC-DAT: A document analysis tool based on topic hierarchy and context information", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 34 Iss: 1, pp. 64-86

•Chen Jing, Lu Quan(Corresponding author). A method for automatic analysis Table of Contents in Chinese books, Library Hi Tech, 2015, 33(3): 424-438.

•Quan Lu, Gao Liu, Jing Chen. Integrating PDF interface into Java application[J]. Library Hi Tech, 2014, 32(3):495-508.

•Quan Lu, Qingjun Liu, Jing Chen. Is there any efficient reading strategy when using text signals for navigation in long document?[J]. Library Hi Tech, 2017,35(2): 458-472.

•Quan Lu, Liangtao Zhang, Jing Chen, and Zeyuan Xu,Drug-Drug Interactions Prediction Based On Similarity Calculation and Pharmacokinetics Mechanism,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,10983:3-14

•CHEN Jing, XU Bo, Lu Quan*. Measuring Cognitive Load in Hierarchical Auxiliary Reading of a Research Paper[J]. Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, v 41, p 67-72

• Lu Q, Liu G, Chen J. A research platform for visual interactive annotation of image semantics-Taking emotional semantics as an example [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014(8):111-116.

• Lu Q, Han Y, Chen J. Research progress of semantic image annotation methods and semantic gap[J]. Research on Library Science, 2014 (10): 2-6.

• Lu Q, Chen J, Ding H. Automatic Image Emotion Categorization and Annotation Based on Social Tags[J]. Library and Information Service, 2014 (6): 118-123.

• Lu Q, Chen J, Han X. Image Annotation with Multidimensional Semantic Visualization [J]. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014, 4(3): 4-10.

• Chen J, Chen D, Lu Q. A Image User Interest extraction Model Based on Expression Analysis [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014(5):92-96.

• Lu Q, Liu G, Chen J. Integration model of research and education under the sense of competition [J]. Computer Education, 2014, 22: 006.

• Lu Q, Ding H. A review on Emotion-based Image Retrieval [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2013 (2): 119-124.

• Lu Q, Han Y. Research tracking on Image organization and retrieval. Final report submitted to Academy of Humanities and Social Science of Wuhan University.

• Lu Q, Chen D, Huang J. A User Model for Recommendation Based on Facial Expression Recognition[J]. Communications in Computer & Information Science, 2011.

• Lu Q, Deng J, Hu H. Study on wiki-based digital libraries information service platform [J]. Library Tribune, 2010 (2): 13-16.

• Lu Q, Chen D, Hu H. Wiki-Based Digital Libraries Information Services In China And Abroad[C]// Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), 2010 6th International Conference o. 2010:1 - 4.

• Lu Q, Deng J, Chen D. User experience design based on group psychology in the network [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2010 (9): 78-82.

• Lu Q, Chen D, Deng J. Personalized information resources construction based on information lifecycle management [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2010 (10): 62-64.

• Quan L, Jiao Y, Cheng Q. The complex adaptive system and knowledge innovation of expert team on WIKI [J]. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2009 (4): 66-70.

• Lu Q. The Chapter of “Research progress of personalized information service” in the textbook. "Trend analysis of information science" edited by Zha Xianjin, 2009.

• Lu Q. Information flexibility: principles, mechanisms and methods. Wuhan University press, 2008.6

• Lu Q, Chen J, Meng B. Web personalization based on artificial psychology[C]//Web Information Systems–WISE 2006 Workshops. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006: 223-229.


Government-funded grants

• PI of “Research on accurate information service of online health community from the perspective of psychological account theory”, key project of National Social Science Foundation of China(No:20ATQ008), 2021-2023

• PI of “Research on mining and service of big data resources--for medical and health fields”, the MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities (No: 17JJD870002), 2017-2020

• PI of "Visual interactive study of image semantic" funded by National Social Science Foundation of China (No: 13FTQ006), 2013-2015

International collaborative grants

• PI of "Study on cooperative semantic annotation of image resources via visualization and its realization" (Quan Lu, Iris Xie, Jing Chen) funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No: 71273195), 2013-2016


• Wuhan University Award for teaching achievements, 2021

• Outstanding achievement award of scientific research in Colleges and universities (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 2020

• Leader of provincial teaching team in Hubei Universities, 2019

• Wuhan excellent achievement award of Social Science, 2019

• Hubei social science outstanding achievement award, 2018

• Hubei science and Technology Progress Award, 2009

• Award for Science and Technology Progress of Henan Province, 2008
