
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Gang Li

2018-09-20 10:20:07



Gang Li

Academic / job titles


Contact Information



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Room 322


• Information Management and System

• Information Resource Management

• Competitive Intelligence and Strategy


• Competitive Intelligence

• Strategic management

• Marketing management


1. Li, G., & Li, Y. (2015). Some Studies on Smart City and City Emergency Decision-making Intelligence System. Library and Information Service, 59(4), pp. 76-82.

2. Chen, J.H., & Li, G. (2015). Research on Communication Process of Network Public Opinion for Public Emergency -- From the Perspective of Network Organization. Journal of Intelligence, 34(2), pp. 42-46.

3. Li, G., Li, L.F., Mao, J., & Ye, G.H. (2015). Empirical Research on Similarity of Research Interests in Co-authorship Network. Library and Information Service, 59(2), pp. 75-81.

4. Chen, J.H., & Li, G. (2015). Research on the Network Media Communication Process in Network Medias of Network Public Opinion for Public Emergency. Document, Information & Knowledge, (1), pp. 116-123.

5. Li, G., & Wang, D.D. (2015). Influencing Factors of Social Networking Site User’s Personal Information Disclosure Willingness: A Case Study of Sina Microblog. Information and Documentation Services, (1), pp. 35-40.

6. Li, G., & Li, Y. (2014). Research on Emergency Monitoring and Recognition in View of Intelligence. Library and Information Service, 58(24), pp. 66-72.

7. Lu, H.T., & Li, G. (2014). Research on the Timing Variation Characteristics of Keyword Web Searching Based on a Case Study about H7N9 Avian Influenza Keywords Experiment. Journal of Intelligence, 33(11), pp. 175-180.

8. Li, G., Wei, M.Y., Mao, J., & Zheng, B.B. (2014). A Study of Inter-city Scientific Collaborations Based on Co-author Network: A Case Study of Computer Science Core Journals. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 33(10), pp. 1067-1076.

9. Li, G., & Ye, G.H. (2014). Research on the Subject of “Wisdom” Construction of Emergency Information System under the Perspective of Network. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 37(8), pp. 51-55.

10. Mao, J., & Li, G. (2014). An Approach for Constructing Expert Knowledge Map Based on OKM. Library and Information Service, 58(14), pp. 34-40.

11. Li, G., Liu, G.X., Mao, J., & Ye, G.H. (2014). A Sentiment Label Extraction Method Based on Dependency Parsing. Library and Information Service, 58(14), pp. 12-20.

12. Li, G., & Ye, G.H. (2014). Research on Credibility Evaluation Mechanism of Experts Retrieval Under User’s Control. New Technology of Library and Information Service, (7/8), pp. 107-113.

13. Mao, J., Li, G., & Cao, Y.J. (2014). Re-rank Retrieval Results Through Subject Indexing. New Technology of Library and Information Service, (7/8), pp. 48-55.

14. Li, G., & Hu, R. (2014). A Review of Studies on Users’ Query Reformulation during Information Seeking. Library and Information Service, 58(11), pp. 123-129.

15. Li, G., & Ye, G.H. (2014). Research on the Organization Model of Competitive Intelligence around the ShareNet Scenario. Information Studies: Theory & Application, (4), pp. 65-70, 76.

16. Li, G., Li, C.Y., & Li, X. (2014). The Identification of Research Teams Based on Social Network Analysis. Library and Information Service, 58(7), pp. 63-70, 82.

17. Li, G., & Ye, G.H. (2014). Research on Information Fusion for Multiple-sensor Expert Features. New Technology of Library and Information Service, (4), pp. 27-33.

18. Li, G., Ren, J.J., Mao, J., & Yang, G.C. (2014). Analysis of the Community Structure of Patentees’ Collaboration Network -- Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Patents As an Example. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 33(3), pp. 267-276.

19. Li, G., Mao, J., & Lu, K. (2014). A Concept Bridged Relevance Model for Medical Information Retrieval. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 33(3), pp. 239-249.

20. Lu, H.T., & Li, G. (2014). Stable-mutation Characteristic Identification of Web Search Keywords -- Based on Analysis of Keyword Concentration Change Ratio. Document, Information & Knowledge, (3), pp. 80-86.

21. Li, G., & Ye, G.H. (2014). Algorithm Research on Discovery of Interdisciplinary Team of Experts Based on Fuzzy Matching. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 33(1), pp. 68-76.

22. Li, G., & Chen, J.H. (2014). A Review of Network Public Opinion for Unexpected Emergency. Document, Information & Knowledge, (2), pp. 111-119.

23. Li, G., & Mao, J. (2013). A Review on Text Graph Representation and Its Application in Text Mining. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 32(12), pp. 1257-1264.

24. Li, G., & Chen, J.H. (2013). An Empirical Study to Understanding the User Types and Their Behaviors in Online Q&A Community at the Time of Public Emergency: A Case on Inferior Capsule Event. Library and Information Service, 57(24), pp. 95-100.

25. Effects of Topic Familiarity and Search Skills on Query Reformulation Behavior Association for Information Science and Technology 2013.11

26. Li, G., & Ye, G.H. (2013). The Research of Fuzzy Retrieval Based on Improved Keyword Connection Matrix: A Study on the Fuzzy Retrieval Transformation from Keyword to Concept. Library and Information Service, 57(21), pp. 104-111.

27. Li, G., Chen, J.H., & Mao, J. (2013). Development of an Online Texts Corpus for Public Health Emergencies. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 32(9), pp. 936-944.

28. Li, G., Mao, J., & Chen, J.H. (2013). Fast Duplicate Detection for Chinese Texts Based on Semantic Fingerprint. New Technology of Library and Information Service, (9), pp. 41-47.

29. Li, G., & Chen, J.H. (2013). An Experimental Study to Understand the Public Information Requirements by Analyzing the Questions and Answers Posted on Online Q&A Community in Time of Public Emergency -- Base on Inferior Capsule Event. Library and Information Service, 57(15), pp. 108-115.

30. Li, G., & Chen, J.H. (2013). Study of the Relationship between Web News and Netizens’ Information Need by the Method of Cointegration Analysis -- Base on Inferior Capsule Event. Journal of Information Resources Management, (2), pp. 59-66.

31. Li, G., Ji, M., Chen, J.H., & Ye, G.H. (2013). A Review of Knowledge Sharing based on Social Network. Journal of Information Resources Management, (2), pp. 50-58.

32. Research on the semantic-based co-word analysis. Scientometrics 2012.03

33. The Determinants of Consumers' Purchase Intention to Online Group-Buying IISME2012 2012.01

34. Wang, Z.Y., & Li, G. (2012). Research on the Self-organization Mechanism of Human Intelligence Network. Information Science, 30(1), pp. 28-33.

35. Li, G., & Chen, J.H. (2012). An Empirical Research on Crowd Constitution and Crowd Behavior of Network Public Opinion for Emergencies. Journal of Information Resources Management, (1), pp. 42-49,25.

36. Li, G., & Dong, Q. (2011). Analysis and Research on the Communication Process of Enterprise

Internet Public Opinion Based on Web2.0. Information Science, 29(12), pp. 1810-1814.

37. Li, G., & Wang, Z.Y. (2011). Research on the Semantic-based Co-word Analysis. Journal of Intelligence, 30(12), pp. 145-149.

38. Li, G., & Wu, R. (2011). Analysis on Hotspot of Competitive Intelligence Field in China during 10 Years -- Based on Co-word Analysis. Information Science, 29(9), pp. 1289-1293.

39. Wang, Z.Y., & Li, G. (2011). Research on the Dynamic Mechanism of Human Intelligence Network. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(9), pp. 990-996.

40. Li, G., & Li, A. (2011). Research on Co-authorship Analysis Based on Social Network Analysis -- Computer School of Wuhan University As an Example. Journal of Information Resources Management, (3), pp. 43-47.

41. Li, G., & Wang, Z.Y. (2011). Design and Implementation of Semantic -- Based on Sentiment Mining System. New Technology of Library and Information Service, (7/8), pp. 97-103.

42. Wang, Z.Y., & Li, G. (2011). Research on the Enterprises Tacit Knowledge Assessment Indexes and Calculating Method of Their Weights. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 34(7), pp. 71-75.

43. Li, G., Wang, Z.Y., & Kou, G.Z. (2011). Research on the Construction Method of the Human Intelligence Network. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(6), pp. 635-642.

44. Li, G., & Wang, Z.Y. (2011). Research on the Relationship between the Human Intelligence Network and the Ontology. Journal of Intelligence, 30(6), pp. 36-39.

45. Li, G., & Wang, Z.Y. (2011). Research on the Tacit Knowledge Management Method in Companies. Library and Information Service, 55(10), pp. 103-107, 129.

46. Li, G., & Wang, Z.Y. (2011). On the Interpersonal Information Network in China Based on Semantic Co-word Analysis. Information and Documentation Services, (5), pp. 21-27.

47. Li, G., Wang, Z.Y., & Kou, G.Z. (2011). Research on Computing Method for Sentiment’s Intensity in Sentiment Classification. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 28(3), pp. 292-298.

48. Li, G., & Li, Y. (2011). A New Method for Weighted Co-word Analysis Based on Keywords. Information Science, 29(3), pp. 321-324.

49. Li, G., & Dai, Q.B. (2011). Keywords Automatic Indexing Based on Lexical Chains. Document, Information & Knowledge, (3), pp. 67-71.

50. Li, G., Cheng, M.J., & Kou, G.Z. (2011). The Construction of Car Comments Mining System Based on Sentiment Analysis. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2), pp. 204-211.

51. An, L., & Li, G. (2011). Visual Organization of Journal Subjects with Self-Organizing Map. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2), pp. 183-191.


Government-funded grants

• Research on Wisdom City Emergency Decision-making Information System -- A National Social Sciences Fund Project (13&ZD173)

• Research on Dynamic Evolvement Regularity of the Scientific Research Team -- A National Natural Science Fund Project (71273196)

• Research on Information Service Standardized System Construction under the Big Data Environment -- Other entrusted project

• Research on IWOM Monitoring and Analysis Platform for Public Opinion -- Other entrusted project

• Research on Big Data Collection and Screening Tool -- Other entrusted project

• Research on Dynamic Monitoring Data Processing of Public Praise -- Other entrusted project

Corporate-funded grants

• Research on Enterprise Information Collecting System -- Other entrusted project


• Won the 1st prize in National Award for Science and Technology Progress for twice, 2009,2013;


• Teaching in the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, since 1990;

• Promoted to Associate Professor (exceptional promotion) in 1997, promoted to Professor in 2002, serve as Doctoral Tutor since 2003;

• Been elected into the Cross-century Youth Academic Backbone Training Program, Wuhan University, in 1999;

• A Senior Visiting Scholar in Texas Center for Digital Knowledge, University of North Texas, the United States, from 2004 to 2005;

• Been hired as Wuhan University Luojiashan distinguished professor in 2008;


• The Deputy Director of The Center for the Studies of Information Resources of Wuhan University(CSIR), Key research institute of Humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education;

• The Director of the Wuhan research base of National Information Resources Management;

• The Committee Member and Secretary General of National University Teaching Guidance Committee of Library and information professional degree;

• The Committee Member of National University Teaching Guidance Committee of Management Science and Engineering Discipline;

• The Executive Director of China Association of Scientific and Technical Information / The Committee Chairman in Intelligence Theory and Method profession;

• The Director General of Hubei Provincial Association of Electronic Commerce;


• On the editorial board of Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information

• On the editorial board of Information Science
