
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Lu An

2018-09-20 10:20:07



Lu An

Academic / job titles

Associate Professor

Contact Information



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•Visual knowledge discovery


•Competitive intelligence


•Principle of database systems

•Principle of database systems (Experiments)

•Data organization and data mining

•Library and Information Science English


Journal Papers (International)

•Lu An, Chuanming Yu, Gang Li. Visual Research Field Analysis of Chinese and American Library and Information Science Research Institutions. Journal of Informetrics, 2014, 8(1):217-233.(SSCI Q1)

•Lu An, Xia Lin, Chuanming Yu and Xinwen Zhang. Measuring and visualizing the contributions of Chinese and American LIS research institutions to emerging themes and salient themes. Scientometrics (forthcoming, SSCI Q1)

•Lu An, Jin Zhang, Chuanming Yu. The Visual Subject Analysis of Library and Information Science Journals with Self-Organizing Map. Knowledge Organization, 2011, 38(4), 299-320. (SSCI)

•Jin Zhang, Lu An, Tao Tang, Yi Hong. Visual health subject directory analysis based on users’ traversal activities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2009, 60(10): 1977-1994. (SSCI Q1, EI)

•Jin Zhang, Lu An. Visual component plane analysis for the medical subjects based on a transaction log. Canadian Journal of Information & Library Sciences, 2010, 34(1), 83-111. (SSCI)

•Lu An, Junping Qiu. Research on the Relationships between Chinese Journal Impact Factors and External Web Link Counts and Web Impact Factors. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2004, 30(3):199-204. (SSCI)

•Lu An, Chuanming Yu. Self-Organizing Maps for Competitive Technical Intelligence Analysis. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 2012, Vol.4, 83-91.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

•Lu An, Chuanming Yu, Gang Li and Xuan Zhang. A Comparison Study on the Research Fields of Chinese and American Library and Information Science Research Institutions. Journal of Library Science in China, 2014, 40(3):64-77.

•Guancan Yang, Tong Liu, Gang Li and Lu An. Research on Patent Value Evaluation based on Comprehensive Citation Network. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2013, 32(12):1265-1277.

•Lu An, Chuanming Yu, Li Dong and Qingling Pan. A Visual Study on the Contribution of Research Institutions to the Emerging Themes--Taking Chinese and American LIS institutions as examples. Library and Information Service, 2014, 58 (13): 68-74.

•Lu An, Chuanming Yu. Visually Mining the Research Fields of the American Information-related Research Institutions --- Taking Engineering Technical Area As An Example. Information Science, 2014, 32(6):120-127.

•Lu An, Chuanming Yu, Shuhui Yang and Gang Li. Visual Mining of the Research Fields of Domestic Library and Information Science Research Institutions. Information and Documentation Services, 2013(4):50-56.

•Chuanming Yu and Lu An. From small data to big data --- The three challenges of opinion retrieval. Information Studies: Theory & Application (forthcoming)

•Yamin Jia, Lu An and Gang Li. Research on the online information dissemination pattern of city emergencies. Journal of Intelligence, 2015, 34(4):91-97.

•Qian Li and Lu An. Comparative Study on the Library and Information Science Research Areas of Sino-US Research Institutions. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2013, 3(1):78-86.

•Jiaoyue Liu and Lu An. A study on the evaluation system of university library informatization level. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2015(1):98-103.

•Li Dong and Lu An. Review of methods and empirical researches on the detection of emerging topics. Science and Technology Innovation Herald, 2013(9):23-26.

•Lu An and Chuanming Yu. The study on subject concentration and comprehensiveness of journals with the Self-Organizing Map Technique. Documentation, Information & Knowledge, 2012(3):27-34.

•Lu An and Gang Li. Visual Organization of Journal Subjects with Self-Organizing Map. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2011, 30(2):183-191.

•Lu An and Gang Li. Research on the Salient Subjects and Their Developing Trends of Foreign Library and Information Science Journals. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2010(9): 48-55.

•Lu An, Jin Zhang and Gang Li. Methodology study of applying Self-Organizing Map to data analysis. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2009, 28(5):720-726.

•Gang Li, Lu An. Clustering Analysis of E- commerce Transactions with Self-Organizing Map. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2008 (9): 70-77.

•Gang Li and Lu An. Reoccurrence of the Spirit of Popular Library on the Internet. Library and Information Service, 2008, 52 (1): 69-72.

•Gang Li and Lu An. Selection of knowledge management strategies based on competitive advantages and team experience levels. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2007, 30(5): 584-587.

•Lu An and Junping Qiu. Research on Knowledge management to improve performance of organizations. Information Science, 2003, 21(8), 883-886.

•Lu An. Comparative Research on General Relational Database with Fuzzy Database. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2003, (5), 62-65.

•Lu An. Comprehensive Evaluation Research on Printed and Electronic Academic Journals. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2004, (3), 67-70.

•Junping Qiu, Lu An. Research on the Relationships between Chinese Journal Impact Factors and External Web Link Counts and Web Impact Factors. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2003, (4), 398-402.

•Junping Qiu and Lu An. Research on Web Usage Mining. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2002, (5), 369-372.

•Hui Dong and Lu An. Analysis and Revelation of Key Technologies of Digital Libraries (II). Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2003, (1), 52-58.

•Hui Dong and Lu An. Analysis and Revelation of Key Technologies of Digital Libraries (I). Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2002, (6), 700-707.

Conference Papers (International)

•Jin Zhang, Lu An. Visualization Relevance Analysis for Weight Control-Related Subjects. (Poster). The 72nd American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting (ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Nov 6-11, 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), Silver Spring: American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2009.

•Lu An, Yucheng Guo. The evolution of the research topics of Chinese library and information science research institutions. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO’13), Wuhan, China, Oct 25-27, 2013,Kexue Press.

•Chuanming Yu, Lu An, Xiaoqing Zhang. Using SOM to Mine Product Features from Free-Text Customer Reviews. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09), pp. 473-477, August 14-16, 2009, Tianjin, China. (EI)

•Gang Li, Lu An. Mining Competitive Technical Intelligence of High-tech Products with Self-Organizing Map. Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, ACM Press, pp. 238-244, Cergy Pontoise/Paris, France, Oct 27-31,2008. (EI)


•Lu An. Visual Studies on Academic Journal Subjects. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2011.

•Lu An and Gang Li. Visual Topical Mining of Research and Cultural Institutions. Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2016.

•Lu An. A review on the application of Self-Organizing Maps to the studies on the knowledge organization of academic literature. (Gang Li eds.) Research Progress of Information Science. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2010.

•Li Gang, Lu An. The methodological study on the application of Self-Organizing Map to the analysis of competitive technical intelligence. (Feicheng Ma eds.) Research Progress of Information Management and Information System. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2010.


Government-funded grants

•The Organization and Management, Running Mechanism and Performance Evaluation of Rapid Response Information System of Smart Cities (a sub-project of the major project Study on the Construction of Information System of Smart City Emergency Decision, 13&ZD173) by the National Social Science Foundation of China

•Visually Mining the Research Fields of Research Institutes by the National Social Science Foundation of China (11CTQ025).

•Visual Organization of Knowledge in Academic Journals by the Social Science Foundation of Hubei Province ([2010]157).

•Academic Knowledge Organization based on Self-Organizing Map by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (20090460986)

•Visually Mining the Research Fields of Chinese and American LIS Research Institutes by Wuhan University (2012GSP064).

•Data Organization and Data Mining (project of graduate course in English) by Wuhan University

•Opinion Retrieval Based on the Domain Knowledge Acquisition and Alignment in the environment of big data by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71373286)

•Study on the Dynamic Evolution of Research Teams by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71273196)

•Mining Opinions in the WEB2.0 Environment by the Ontology Learning based Approach by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (70903047)

•Fine-grained Information Retrieval and Visualization in the Multilingual Environment – Wuhan University Academic Team of 1970’s

•The Construction of the Knowledge Map of the University Experts by the Ministry of Education of China (10YJC870022)

International collaborative grants

•Discovering Hidden User Search Patterns through Visualization or Transaction Logs (RGI)


•Award in 351 Talent Program (Luojia Youth Scholar), 2014;

•Award in Young Backbone Teacher Overseas Training Program, 2014;

•Supervisor of Excellent Bachelor Thesis in Hubei Province, 2014;

•Third Prize of Excellent Academic Papers in Natural Science in Hubei Province, China, 2012;

•Excellent worker for students of Wuhan University, 2012;

•Academic Books of Wuhan University, 2010;

•CALA’s Huang Tso-ping & Wu Yao-yu Memorial Grant and Scholarships, 2007;

•National Graduate Student Project of Constructing High Level Universities by Ministry of Education of China, 2007.


•Joint doctorate student of University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA and Wuhan University, China between 2007 and 2008;

•Visiting Scholar at Drexel University, USA between 2014 and 2015.


•Supply chain information analyst at ZTE Corporation between 2004 and 2006.


•Training the sales employees of New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd (NCI) in 2012.


•Editor of Documentation, Information & Knowledge


•Oral presentation at the 9th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), 25-29th August, 2003.
