
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Dan Wu

2018-09-20 10:13:26


Dan   Wu

Academic /   job titles

Professor,   PhD

Vice   Provost of Undergraduate   College of Wuhan University

Member   of the Academic Committee of Wuhan University

Director   of Human-Computer Interaction and User Behavior Research Center, Wuhan   University

Contact   Information

Email:   woodan@whu.edu.cn

Room   601, School of Information Management, Wuhan University



Google   Scholar:




• Information Retrieval, User Seeking Behavior, Human-Computer Interaction



For undergraduate

• Information Description

For postgraduate

• Research on Information Description

• Metadata

For PhD student

• Research on human-computer interaction


Monography (in English)

Dan Wu, Jing Dong, Shaobo Liang. (2022). Cross-device Web Search. Taylor & Francis Group.

Dan Wu, Shaobo Liang. (2018). Mobile Search Behaviors: An In-depth Analysis based on Contexts, APPs and Devices. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Xiaojun Yuan, Dan Wu, DeeDee Bennett. (2022). Social Vulnerability to COVID-19: Impacts of Technology Adoption and Information Behavior. Springer Nature.


Monography (in Chinese)

Dan Wu. (2016). Study on Older Adults' Online Health Information Seeking Behavior. Wuhan, Wuhan University Press.

Dan Wu. (2015). Research on the Collaborative Information Seeking Behavior. Beijing, National Library Press.

Dan Wu. (2014). Multilingual Online Academic Information Mining and Retrieval. Beijing, Science Press.

Dan Wu. (2011). Cross-Language Information Retrieval: Translation Enhancement Theory and Technology. Beijing, Scientific and Technical Documentation Press.


International Journal Papers

Dan Wu, Hao Xu, Yaqi Sun. (2022). What Should We Teach? A Human-Centered Data Science Graduate Curriculum Model for LIS. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, online.

Dan Wu, Jing Dong, Yuan Tang, Rob Capra.(2020). Understanding Task Preparation and Resumption Behaviors in Cross-device Search.  Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol.71, No.8.

Bo Xie, Daqing He, Tim Mercer, Youfa Wang, Dan Wu, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yan Zhang, Linda H. Yoder, Keri K. Stephens, Michael Mackert, Min K. Lee. (2020). Global Health Crises Are Also Information Crises: A Call to Action. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol.71, No.12.

Dan Wu, Shu Fan, Fang Yuan. (2021). Research on Pathways of Expert Finding on Academic Social Networking Sites. Information Processing & Management, Vol.58, No.2.

Dan Wu, Jing Dong, Li Shi, Chunxiang Liu, Jiangyun Ding. (2020). Credibility Assessment of Good Abandonment Results in Mobile Search. Information Processing & Management, Vol.57, No.6.

Dan Wu, Jing Dong, Chunxiang Liu. Exploratory Study of Cross-device Search Tasks. (2019). Information Processing & Management, Vol.56, No.6.

Dan Wu, Yizhe Li. Online Health Information Seeking Behaviors Among Chinese Elderly. (2016) Library & Information Science Research, Vol.38, No.3.

Dan Wu, Hao Xu, Yongyi Wang, Huining Zhu. Quality of Government Health Data in COVID-19—— Definition and Application of An Open Government Health Data Quality Evaluation Framework. (2021). Library Hi Tech, Vol.40, No.2.

Dan Wu, Fei Yu. (2020). Special Issue on Data for Better Health. Library Hi Tech, Vol.38, No.4.

Dan Wu, Shaobo Liang, Renmin Bi. (2018). Characterizing Queries in Cross-device OPAC Search: A Large-scale Log Study. Library Hi Tech, Vol.36, No.3.

Dan Wu, Hao Xu, Shu Fan. Research on Consumers' Online Health Information Consultation Patterns. (2021). Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol.73, No.1.

Dan Wu, Shaobo Liang, Wenting Yu. Collaborative Information Search as Learning in Academic Group Work. (2018). Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol.70, No.1.

Dan Wu, Shu Fan, Shengyi Yao, Shuang Xu. (2022). An Exploration of Ethnic Minorities' Needs for Multilingual Information Access of Public Digital Cultural Services. Journal of Documentation, online.

Dan Wu, Weiping Cai. An Empirical Study on Adolescents' Web Search Behavior. (2016). Journal of Documentation, Vol.72, No.3.

International Conference Papers

Dan Wu, Jing Dong, Yuan Tang. (2018). Identifying and Modeling Information Resumption Behaviors in Cross-Device Search. In The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018).

Dan Wu, Yeman Huang. (2021). Why Do You Trust Siri?: The Factors Affecting Trustworthiness of Intelligent Personal Assistant. In the Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2021).

Dan Wu, Siyu Lv, Hao Xu. (2020). An Analysis on Competency of Human-centered Data Science Employment. In the Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2020).

Dan Wu, Hao Xu, Shu Fan. (2019). How Do Consumers Acquire Health Information? The Pattern Analysis on Online Health Consultation. In the Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2019).

Dan Wu, Shuang Xu, Xiaoyun Xu, Xi Chen. (2019). Users’ Visual Attention Flow on the Search Result Page of Digital Cultural Heritage Collection. In the Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2019).

Dan Wu, Jing Liu. (2022). A Systematic Review of Human-centered Algorithmic Fairness: Methods, Scheme, and Patterns. In International Conference on Information (iConference 2022).

Dan Wu, Chenyang Zhang, Abidan Ainiwaer, Siyu Lv. (2021). Hybrid Research on Relevance Judgment and Eye Movement for Reverse Image Search. In International Conference on Information (iConference 2021).

Dan Wu, Shuang Xu. (2019). How Users Gaze and Experience on Digital Humanities Platform?: A Model of Usability Evaluation. In International Conference on Information (iConference 2019).

Dan Wu, Lei Cheng. (2018). Predicting Search Performance from Mobile Touch Interactions on Cross-Device Search Engine Result Pages. In International Conference on Information (iConference 2018).

Dan Wu, Liuxing Lu. (2018). Emotions Change in Pedestrian Navigation: A Perspective of User’s Focuses. In International Conference on Information (iConference 2018).

Dan Wu, Shutian Zhang. (2020). Prediction of Good Abandonment Behavior in Mobile Search. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2020).


Textbooks (in Chinese)

Dan Wu. (2022). Information Description. Wuhan, Wuhan University Press.

Dan Wu. (2016). Tutorial for Information Description Experiment. Wuhan, Wuhan University Press.



RESEARCH GRANTS (Principal Investigator)

Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation. Research on Multilingual Information Organization and Retrieval for the Integration of Three Major Public Digital Cultural Projects Resources. 2020-2024.

Projects of National Science Foundation. User Seeking Behavior Modeling and Search Technology Development within Multi-Device Integrated Search environment. 2017-2020.

Projects of Social Science and Humanity Fund of the Ministry of Education. Research on the Mobile Internet Oriented Big Data Analysis on Library Users and Creative Services. 2016-2018.

Project of National Social Science Foundation. Research on the Collaborative Information Seeking Behavior. 2014-2015.

Project of National Social Science Foundation. Research on the Multi-Language Expression and Access Pattern of Online Academic Information. 2010-2013.

Projects of Social Science and Humanity Fund of the Ministry of Education. Research on the User Relevance Feedback in Multi-Language Information Retrieval. 2010-2011.

National Funds for Academic Publications in Science and Technology. Cross Language Information Retrieval: Translation Enhancement Theory and Technology. 2009-2010.



International Academic Awards and Honors

Outstanding Paper in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards.

Chinese American Librarians Association Scholarships for Wonderful Teacher 2017.

Best Chinese Paper Nomination of iConference 2017.

Honorable Mentions Paper Award of iConference 2013

Outstanding Reviewer of The Electronic Library 2017.

Domestic Academic Awards and Honors

Ministry of Education 8th Award for Outstanding Achievements in University Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) Youth Achievement Award, 2020.

The 1st Prize of the 12th Hubei Provincial Award for Excellent Achievements in Social Sciences, 2020.

The 2nd Prize of Outstanding Achievement in Social Science of Hubei Province (Book), 2016.

The Youth Academic Star of Library Society of China, 2017.

Teaching Awards and Honors

The 1st Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of Hubei Province, 2017. (Ranked 4th)

Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Scholarships, 2017.



Editor-in-Chief of Aslib Journal of Information Management (SCI, SSCI).

Executive Editor-in-Chief of Data and Information Management.

In editorial board of Information Processing & Management (SCI, SSCI).

In editorial board of The Electronic Library (SSCI).

In editorial board of Library Hi Tech (SSCI).



Director at Large, ASIS&T 2020-2023

The iSchool Data Science Curriculum Committee

ACM Digital Library Committee

JCDL Steering Committee

