
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Li Si

2018-09-20 10:13:26



Li Si

Academic / job titles:

Professor/Dean of Library Science Department

Contact Information:


Room No:



• knowledge organization, information organization

• thesaurus, taxonomy, ontology, and other knowledge organization systems (KOS)

• marketing library and information services

• scientific data management


• Undergraduate program: Principles of Information Organization,Practices in Information Organization,Information Organization Experiments

Marketing Library and Services

• Graduate program:Information organization

• PhD Program:Seminar on Knowledge Organization


Journal papers and conference papers:

1 The status quo and future development of cataloging and classification education in China. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 2005,V.41, No.2

2 The analysis of current situation and development of book reviews on the web. Publishing Research.2005 (11)

3 Knowledge organization systems and interfaces of digital libraries in China(Web Information Systems-WISE 2006 Workshops). Springer,2006(indexed by SCIE、ISTP、EI)

4 The teaching status quo and development of knowledge organization curricula in China. Document, Information & Knowledge .2006(5)

5 Optimization study on the information organization of search engine. Proceedings of the 4th national seminar on the developing direction of information retrieval language. Beijing: Beijing Library Press, 2006

6 The investigation into application of thesaurus in internet information organization and optimization. Library Tribune. 2007(6)

7 Interoperability and its implementation among knowledge organization systems. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2007(7)

8 The application of knowledge organization systems in Chinese digital libraries and their interfaces research. Information Science. 2007 25(3)

9 Research on a hierarchical interface to library of congress classification (HILCC) and its enlightenment. Library Journal, 2007 26(1)

10 A summary of the second international symposium and workshop on library and information science education in the digital age. Library Theory and Practice. 2007 (4)

11 An exploration of the research focus of document classification in the past 5 years (In: Research progress of library science, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007)

12 The comparative study on the course setting about information organization in China, America and Canada(Transformation·Development·Prospect——the second International Symposium and workshop on Library and Information Science Education in the Digital Age)Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007

13 Research progress and development strategy of ontology. Proceedings of China Society for Library Science Annual Meeting. Beijing: Beijing Library Press, 2007

14 OCLC terminologies service: background, development and inspirations. Journal of Library Science in China. 2007(1)

15 Some strategies about designing online thesaurus interfaces. New Technology of Library and Information Service. 2008(5)

16 The research status and trends abroad of the networked knowledge organization system/service. Document Information & Knowledge, 2008(5)

17 Research development of knowledge map at home and abroad. Library Journal, 2008(8)

18 Research on characteristics and applications of folksonomy. Library and Information, 2008(3)

19 To investigate & analyze the situation of network thesaurus construction. Library Theory and Practice, 2008(5)

20 On wiki from the view of the library core values. Library Development, 2008(12)

21 The analysis of barriers and strategies of marketing academic library to college students. Library Tribune, 2008(6)

22 Analysis on the application of ontology editor protégé. Library and information Service. 2008 52(1)

23 The theory and practice of construction tridimensional teaching pattern about document classification course. Library Tribune. 2009 29(1)

24 The investigation of functions and optimization of countermeasures of OPAC system of China university libraries——taking the top 30 universities as examples. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2009 (7)

25 Some strategies of marketing academic library to college students:3rd International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science. Published by CPS, 2009 (indexed by EI)

26 Performance evaluation of subject navigation system in Chinese academic libraries: 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science. Published by CPS, 2009 (indexed byEI)

27 An investigation of functions and some optimizing strategies of thesauri with web interface: The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology 2009,(indexed by EI)

28 A survey of the application of web 2.0 in top 30 Chinese university libraries: The 2nd International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling 2009(indexed byEI)

29 A survey of application of web 2.0in Chinese provincial and municipal libraries.The 2010 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (indexed by EI)

30 An investigation and analysis of the application of web 2.0 in 30 chinse”211”project academic libraries ,Document, Information & Knowledge, 2009(5)

31 Realization of knowledge service based on knowledge architecture.Library Tribune, 2009 (6)

32 The research on status and strategy of service marketing in academic library. Library Theory and Practice. 2009(10)

33 Analysis of the environment of library management innovation in China. Information Science, 2010(2)

34 The study of the performance evaluation of subject navigation system in Chinese academic libraries.Library Tribune, 2010(2)

35 A survey of application of web 2.0 in Chinese provincial and municipal libraries. Library Journal, 2010(5)

36 Research on Status and Development Trends of Knowledge Organization System in Abroad Recent Years.Library Tribune, 2010(6)

37 The Status and Trends of Online Thesauri abroad. Library Journal, 2011(7)

38 A Survey of Application of Web2.0 in American State Libraries. Information Science, 2011(7)

39 Survey and Analysis on the Applications of Web2.0 in 30 American Academic Libraries Document, Information & Knowledge, 2011(3)

40 Construction of the Mode of the User-involved Library Information Organization under Web2.0. Information and Documentation Services, 2011(3)

41 Analysis on the Obstacles for Web2.0 Fitness in Chinese Academic Libraries .Research on Library Science, 2011(2)

42 The Comparative Study on Academic Library Mobile Initiative in the USA and China Library, 2011(6)

43 The Survey of Courses of iSchool and Enlightenment of the Curriculum Reform in Library Science in China. Research on Library Science, 2011(11)

44 Study of User-Participation Mode of Library Information Organization in Web2.0 Environment.Library Tribune, 2011, No.6

45 Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) and Its Impact. Library Journal, 2011(3)

46 A Study of Supportability of Knowledge Architecture and Knowledge Services to User’s Knowledge Innovation Demand. Information Science, 2012(4)

47 Feasibility Analysis of Users’ Participation in Library Information Organization in Web2.0 Environment .Library Development, 2012(4)

48 An Investigation and Analysis of the Application of Web 2.0 in Chinese University Libraries. The Electronic Library,2011,VOL. 29, No.5 (SSCI)

49 Embedded Services in Chinese Academic Libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2012 (5) (SSCI)

50 Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) and Its Impact. Library Journal, 2012(3)

51 Strategy Selection of Embedded Services of Academic Libraries in China. Document, Information & Knowledge, 2012(4)

52 The Status Quo and Enlightment of E-learning in LIS education in Taiwan.Library Tribune, 2012, No.6

53 Study on the Application and Future of Thesauri Abroad. Library Development, 2012(3)

54 Quality Investigation and Improvement Measures of User-Participated Information Organization of Library in Web2.0 Environment. Journal of the national library of china, 2012(6)

55 Research and Analysis on E-learning Platforms of I-schools. Library, 2012(6)

56 The Success Factors of Embedded University Library Service in Teaching. Library Journal, 2013(3)

57 Scientific Data Management and Sharing Policies in Foreign Countries: Investigation and

Inspiration to Us. Information and Documentation Services, 2013(1)

58 Comparative Analysis on the Knowledge Linking Mode of Three Major Full-Text Databases in

China. Library Development, 2013(4)

59 The Present Situation of Library Science E-Learning Teaching Research in China. Library Theory and Practice, 2013(6)

60 The Progress and Enlightenment of Scientific Data Management and Sharing Re-search in

Abroad Since 2005.Journal of the National Library of China, 2013(3)

61 The Cultivation of Scientific Data Specialists. Library Hi Tech, 2013(1) (SSCI)

62 The Strategy Analysis of Linked Data in Library Application. Library Work and Study, 2013(10)

63 New Vision of Library Marketing in Chinese Universities.Library Tribune, 2013, No.5

64 Identifying and Evaluating the Cost-benefit of Data Curation and Sharing of Scientific and Technical Resources in the Era of Big Data: the Proceedings of COINFO,2013-10

65 Overview of Research Noninteractive Literatures-based Knowledge Discovery in China. Documentation, Information & Knowledge, 2013(6)

66 Investigation and Analysis of Research Data Management and Sharing Services by Academic libraries.Library Tribune, 2013, No.6

67 The Survey and Analysis of Curricula and Competency Training of iSchools in U.S. Journal of Academic Libraries, 2014(1)

68 The Comparison and Analysis of Three Kinds of Information Visualization Software: Based on the Visualization Analysis of KOS Research. Library Journal, 2014(1)

69 Design and Implement of Framework for the Semantic of Bibliographic Data based on Linked Data. Library, 2014(2)

70 Discuss the Present Situation and Strategy of the Exquisite Course of Library& Information Science into E - learning Teaching. Research on Library Science, 2014(5)

71 Quality Strategies of Folksonomy in Library Information Organization. Information Science, 2014(1)

72 Study about Development of Learning Commons in “211 project” Universities of China.Library Tribune, 2014, No.1

73 Analysis and Revelation on Research Data Preservation Policy abroad. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014(2)

74 Investigation and Analysis on Research Data Services in University Libraries. The Electronic

Library, 2015, Vol.34 ISS.3 (SSCI)

75 An Empirical Study on the Performance Evaluation of Scientific Data Sharing Platforms in China. Library Hi Tech,2015,Vol. 33 No. 2(SSCI)

76 Analysis of the services effectiveness of National Science and Technology Infrastructure Platforms. Library Work and Study, 2014(4)

77 A Study on Scientific Data Organization and Retrieval of Government Open Data Portals in

UK and USA. Library Tribune, 2014(10)

78 The Investigation on Data Management and Sharing Policies of British and American

Universities. Library Tribune, 2014(9)

79 Subject Analysis of Scientific Data Research in China Based on Co-word Analysis. Library 2014(6)

80 Research on Integration and Sharing of Scientific Data Based on Linked Data. Research on Library Science,2014(21)

Author and co-author books:

1. Document classification science. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2001

2. A centurial development and its outlook of Chinese library classification. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2002

3. Bibliography science. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2003

4. Bibliography science tutorial. Beijing: China Higher Education Press, 2004

5. Chinese Classification Thesaurus. Beijing: Beijing Library Press, 2005

6. Cataloging of document information. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2006

7. The application and development of knowledge organization systems in networked information organization. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007

8. Information resource construction. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2008

9. An experimental tutorial to information organization I. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2008

10. The classification of marketing of books, audio-visual products and electronic publication. Beijing: China Standard Press, 2008

11. The theory innovation and development research of bibliography science in the digital age. Wuhan:Wuhan University Press, 2009

12. The principles and methods of information organization. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2011


1 Hubei Province Education Department Scientific Research Directed Program (Project Name: Research on the trend of networked information resources organization. Project No. 2001C27)

2 Tenth-five Year Plans of Hubei's Educational Science Program (Project Name: Research on training of information literacy and ability of innovation of undergraduate students. Project No. 2002B402)

3 Chinese Philosophy and Social Science Foundation (Project Name: The research on innovation and development of bibliography science theory in the digital age. Project No. 05BTQ010)

4 The Ministry of Education of P. R. China (Project Name: Study of library knowledge architecture and services based on knowledge innovation, Project No. 08JA870012).

5 Chinese Philosophy and Social Science Foundation (Project Name: Study of user-participated library information organization patterns. Project No. 09BTQ013)

6 The Science and Technology Information Institute of China Program (Project Name: The Investigation and Analysis Research on English Knowledge Organization System. Project No. 104-238775)

7 Hubei Provincial Teaching Research Project on Colleges and Universities (Project Name: Research on Library& Information Science Professional Teaching Mode Innovation in E-Learning Environment. Project No. 20112032)

8 Independent Scientific Research Program of Wuhan University (Project Name: The Breeding Project of High level International Journal Articles, Science Data Specialist Education:Change of LIS Oriented to e-Science Service Requirement . Project No. 2012GSP075)

9 The Ministry of Education of P. R. China (Project Name: Research on Scientific Data Integration and Sharing of security in China,Project No. 13YJA870016).

10 The Science and technology Support Program(Project Name: The Subproject “Research on Ontology-based Digital Publishing of Domain Knowledge base” of “Research and Application Demonstration on the Key Support Technology of Dynamic Digital Publishing”. Project No. 2012GSP075)

11 The Ministry of Education of P. R. China (Project Name: Research on Content-based Multilingual Information Organization and Retrieval,Project No. 14JJD870001).


1 Wei Dihua Scholarship of China Society for Library Science (1999)

2 “Information Resource Construction” (National Quality Resource Course, 2013, participant)

3 Science Data Specialist Education: Professional Skills Requirements and Some Changes of Chinese LIS Education (Emerald China LIS Research Fund Award,2013)

4 “Information Organization” (Wuhan University Quality Course for LIS Graduates, 2013)

5 “Introduction to Bibliography” (National Quality Resource Course, 2013, participant)


1 Committee of Information Organization of Library Society of China.

2 Identification and Description Technical Committee of National Information and Document Standardized Technical Committee.

3 International Society for Knowledge Organization(ISKO).

4 Editorial Board of Chinese Library Classification.

5 Knowledge Organization Committee of Information Institute of Science and Technology of China.

6 Information Organization Committee of China Society for Library Science.

7 Editorial Board of Journal of Next Generation Information Technology,International Journal of Information Processing and Management, Journal of Academic Libraries.

8 Peer-reviewer of The Electronic Library,Library Review,International Journal of Library and Information Science,Journal of Academic Libraries,Library and Information Service, New Technology of Library and Information Service,Knowledge of Library and Information Science,Library Tribune,and so on.
