
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Congjing Ran

2018-09-20 10:13:26



Congjing Ran

Academic / job titles

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Email: rancongjing@163.com

Room No



• Intellectual property law

• Information consultation

• Patent analysis


• Intellectual property management

• Information consultation and Decision

• Intellectual property of Information Resource

• Library and information cause under intellectual perspective


Journal Papers (International)

• “Nearest Access: Rapid Location for Interlibrary Loan Resources Using OpenURL” . Electronic Library . 2011

• “Present Situation and Prospect of Intellectual Property in Information Resources in China”. Journal of Science and Technology in China. 2009 (in Japanese)

Journal Papers (Domestic)

• “The Economic Rationality Analysis of Information in the Use of Value-added Use of Public Sector”. Research on Library Science, 2015

• “The Analysis of Market Competition System in Information Value-added Exploitation in Public Sector”. Theoretical research, 2015

• “Patent Information Utilization of Science Research Institution in Guangdong as Investigation –based Study”. Journal of Intelligence, 2015

• “The Dynamic Virtual Reference Service Team Formation Method Oriented to Cost Optimization”. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2015

• “Research on the Copyright Authorization Mode of Digital Music”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2015

• “The Revelation of Public Sector Information Re-use Charging Policies in UK”. Library Forum, 2015

• “A Comparative Analysis of Domestic Foreign Library and information Science Research in Past Fifteen Years---Case Study of ‘Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information’ and ‘Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology’”. Journal of Intelligence, 2015

• “The Research Progress of Knowledge Graph in the Humanities and Social Science Field”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014

• “Visual Analysis of Finance in China in the recent decade”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014

• “Research on the Evolution of Econometrics Viewed by Visual Analysis of Articles of Winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014

• “Visual Analysis of research of long-term preservation abroad based on informetrics”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014

• “Research on Social Responsibility of Public Sector in Value-added Utilization of Information”. Journal of China Soft Science, 2014

• ·“Research on Resource Management mechanism Based on user Reputation in Knowledge Community of Digital library”. Knowledge, Learning & Management, 2014

• ·“Visualization research on Long-term Preservation Abroad of Digital Resources Based on Knowledge Mapping”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014.

• “Visual Analysis of the Chinese Finance Studies in Recent Ten Years”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014.

• ·”Design and implementation of Course Community System Towards MOOC”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014.

• “Intellectual Property Institution of public Sector information Oriented to valued-added Creating Protection”. Library and information, 2014

• “Research on Intellectual Information Preservation path Choice for National Identity Construction”. Library and information, 2014

• “Temporal Spirit of Bibliography: Experience from Teaching and Research”. Documentation, Knowledge & Information, 2014.

• “The Research of Context Awareness Information Recommendation Based on Common Interests in Mobile Environment”. Information Studies: Theory & Application, 2014.

• “Research on Implementation of MOOC Online Question Answering System by Introducing Crowd Sourcing”. Library and Information Service, 2014

• “Analysis on the Evolution of Econometrics from Academic Literature of Noble Laureate in Economics by Visual Analysis”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014

• “Review of knowledge Map Study in Chinese Humanities $ Social Science Field”. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014

• “Research on Topic Related Recommendation Method for Virtual Reader Community”. Technology of Library and Information Service, 2014

• “A Case Study on the Postgraduate Course Design in USA iSchools and the Enlightenment——Based on the Course Construction of GSLIS of UIUC in the Past Five Years”. Library and Information Service, 2012

• “Review on Policy of American Open Government under web 2.0”. Library and Information, 2013

• “Review on Practical Progress of American Open Policy and Plan under Web 2.0”. Information and Documentation Services, 2013

• “Copyright Liability during Scientific Communication: Based on the Analysis of P2P Sharing Environment”. Science Press, 2012

• “Review on the international research on information industry”, Information Magazing, 2010

• “Location of Function and Investigation on Attitudes of End User on Re-use of Public Sector Information”. Library and Information. 2010

• “The Investigation on the China’s Public Sectors on Re-Use of Public Sector Information and Its Countermeasures”. Knowledge of Library and Information Science. 2010

• “Research on the Reuse System of Public Sector Information in U.S”, Library and Information, 2010

• “Research on the Reuse System of Public Sector Information in European Union”, Library Forum, 2010

• “The Systematic Requirements and the Corresponding Countermeasures in Legal

• Information Value-added Exploitation”. Library and Information. 2010

• “Comparison of Virtual Reference in University Libraries between China and U.S.”. Knowledge of Library and Information Science. 2009

• “Research on the Main Risk Types of Intellectual Property in Library”. Library and Information Service. March, 2009

• “The Copyright in the wrapping library business up outside”, Library and Information, 2009

• “Strategy Analysis on Avoiding Risks of Intellectual Property in Digital Library”. Journal of the National Library of China. 2009

• “Analysis on the Factors Affecting Intellectual Property Risks in Library”. Library Forum. March, 2009

• “The Digital Library under Environment of Ubiquitous Computing”. Library Forum. March, 2009

• “Governmental information value-added system in Europe and America and its effect on China”. Information and Documentation Services. 2009

• “Trans-Strait Expert’s Cooperation in the Digital Education”. Knowledge of Library and Information Science. 2008

• “Review on Research of Intellectual Property of Digital Library”. Library Forum. 2007

• “Research on the Intellectual Property of Digital Audio & Video Service in Libraries”. Library Journal. 2007

• “Legislation of American ‘Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act’ and Enlightenment of Information Public Access Exemption System”. Knowledge of Library and Information Science. 2006

• “Research on the Subjects of Network Information Resource Intellectual Property”. Library and Information Service. 2006

• “The Law as It Is and the Law As It Ought to Be of Copyright Fair Use System for Library”. Library Development. 2005

• “The Legal Relations of the Digital Library’ Information Release.” Journal of the Library Science in China. 2004

• “The Intellectual Property of Digital Library Information Report”. Library and Information Service. 2004

• “The Significance and Influence of American ‘Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act’”. Electronics Intellectual Property. 2003

• “Discussion on the Legal Character of Digital Library”. Library Forum. 2003

• “Discussion on Challenge and Restruction of Fair Use System of Copyright”. Intellectual Property. 2003

• “Research on Intellectual Property in Net Station Construction”. Knowledge of Library and Information Science. 2003

• “Intellectual Property Risk and Countermeasures against Information Collecting and Exchanging,” Library Development. 2003

• “Intellectual Property Risk and Countermeasures of Full-text Information Release”. Information and Documentation Work. 2003

• “Intellectual Property Transfer and Innocent Third Party System”. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Informalization and Information Resources. 2003

Cases and Practical Papers

• The intelligent retrieval method and system based on preference

• The resource recommendation method and application based on the potential demand of users

• The forecasting and advanced application system of Southern Power Grid intelligence demand expression

Conference Papers (International)

• “Visual Analysis on the Research of SNS and Information Security”. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, 2013 (in English)

• “Information Quantitative Analysis on Psychological Research”. Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Information system, 2014 (in English)

• “Visual Analysis on the Research of Big Data”. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Information System and Engineering Management, 2013 (in English)

• “Create a New Era of Library Science and Librarianship———The 11th Trans-Strait Conference on Library Science”. Knowledge of Library and Information Science. 2012

• “Case Analysis of American Graduate Curriculum of Library Science”. Proceedings of the 11th Trans-Strait Conference on Library Science. 2012

• “Access to culture and information through library: A perspective on chinese copyright law reformation. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2009 (in English)

• “Application of Law of Copyright Disputes of P2P File-Sharing Technology”. NCM 2008, v 2,Proceedings. 2008


• Bibliography


• The Research on Re-use of Public Sector Information System

• The Research on Intellectual Property Issues in Library Development

• The Intellectual Property System Research of Information Resource

• Chuanfu Chen, Congjing Ran, and etc..[2006] International Intellectual Property Research: Subjects, Advancement and Trends (pp274-346) .In Annual Report of Overseas Humanities and Social Sciences, 2006. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2006.

• Congjing Ran.[2006]. Advancement Research of Intellectual Property . In Annual Report of Overseas Humanities and Social Sciences. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2006.

• Congjing Ran.[2007]. Advancement Research of Intellectual Property . In Annual Report of Overseas Humanities and Social Sciences. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2007.

• Chuanfu Chen, Congjing Ran, and etc..[2007]. International Intellectual Property Research: Subjects, Advancement and Trends (pp221-278). In Annual Report of Overseas Humanities and Social Sciences. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2007.

• Congjing Ran.[2012]. Intellectual Property Management of Digital Libraries. Theories and Practice about Digital Libraries. Beijing: National Library Press, March, 2012.

• Congjing Ran.[2011]. International Information Industry Policy Research: Subjects, Advancement and Trends. In Annual Report of Overseas Humanities and Social Sciences. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2011.

• Congjing Ran.[2010]. Advancement Research of Reference and Consultation. Advancement Research of Library Science. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Sep., 2010.

• Congjing Ran.[2008]. Theories foundation of information resources intellectual property (pp 31-54). & Fair use system of information resources intellectual property (pp 271-277) & The intellectual property institutions of re-useing public sector information (pp 317-350 ). In Chuanfu Chen. Institutional Research of Information Resources Intellectual Property. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2008.

• Congjing Ran.[2008]. Advancement Research of Intellectual Property(part of the book on Patent ) . In Annual Report of Overseas Humanities and Social Sciences. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2008.

• Congjing Ran.[2008]. Institutional Research of Information Resources Intellectual Property. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, Dec., 2008.


• “Research on the Scope of the Subjects of Network Information Resource Intellectual Property”. Proceedings of the Second National Doctoral Forum. 2004

Government-funded grants

• The State National Science Fund Projects: The Study of Patent Strategy Model Building Based on Patentometric

• The State social science fund projects for the young: The research on public sector information re-use mechanism.

• The ministry of education project: The risk analysis and countermeasure research of the intellectual property of information consumption under cloud environment.

• The postdoctoral special funded projects: The research on the law of intellectual property evolvement based on the information visualization.

• The postdoctoral state first class fund class: The patent competitive intelligence analysis model and empirical study for industry development.

• Science-technology Support Plan Projects of soft subjects in Hubei provenience: The assessment mechanism in the knowledge creation and knowledge transfer.

• The Intellectual Property Office projects in Hubei provenience: The management and implementation of universities; patent assets appraisal.

• The product-study-research project in Wuhan University: The evaluation and incentive mechanism research that good for knowledge creation and knowledge transfer.

• The countermeasures project in Wuhan University: the countermeasures research in industry chain integration of information content.

• The whole English teaching project in Wuhan university: reference service.

• The national social science major projects: The sub-project of the government information value-added utilization mechanism.

• The national science-technology support projects: the research of dynamic digital publishing standards in the field of scientific education.

• The national social science major projects: The research on the national intellectual property research literature and information database construction.

Corporate-funded grants

• Commissioned by baidu: Annual observation blue boo of digital intellectual property

• Commissioned by China Southern Power Grid: The sub-project of intelligent expression, prediction and advanced application function research and development of information demand.


• Award in the 3rd Teaching Competition at Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, 2010;

• Award the second prize of social science excellent production in Hubei provenience

• Award the title of “the national patent information talent” by SIPO(State Intellectual Property Office)

• Award the title of “‘315’ project talent” and “Luojia youth scholar” by Wuhan University

• Award the second prize of science and technology progress by the ministry of education

• Award the second prize of science and technology progress in Hubei provenience
