
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Mingjie Li

2018-09-20 10:13:26


Mingjie Li

Professor & Supervisor of Ph.D. Candidates



Room 308, School of Information Management, Wuhan University

No.299, Bayi Rd., Wuchang District

Wuhan 430072, Hubei Province, P.R.China


• Chinese Ancient Book Studies

• Digitization of Ancient Books

• History of Books and Print Culture


• General Textual Bibliography

• Documents Compilation

• Chinese Ancient Book Edition Studies

• Preservation of Chinese Ancient Books



• Mingjie Li, Study on the Book Copyright in Ancient China, Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, 2013.

• Mingjie Li, Culture in Chinese Ancient Book Editions: Origin and Preservation, Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, 2012.

• Mingjie Li, China Publishing History, Vol. 1, Hunan University Press, Changsha, 2008.

• Mingjie Li, Edition Studies of Ancient Books in Song Dynasty, Qi-Lu Press, Jinan, 2006


• Mingjie Li and Zhou Ya, 2012. “Knowledge Organization Structure Based on Document Compiling in Ancient China”, Library and Information Service, Vol.56, No.20, pp 122-126.

• Mingjie Li and Zhou Ya, 2012. “Research on the Plagiarism as a Kind of a Cultural Phenomenon in Ancient China”, Publishing Journal, No.5, pp.94-98.

• Mingjie Li and Zhou Ya, 2012. “Study on the Author Signature of Chinese Ancient Books”, Journal of Academic Libraries, No.1, pp.111-115.

• Mingjie Li and Zhou Ya, 2011. “Development trends of the author’s writing sense from Song to Qing Dynasty in China”, Publishing Journal, No.3, pp.18-23.

• Mingjie Li and Jinfang Niu, 2010. “A Preservation Framework for Chinese Ancient Books”, Journal of Documentation (England), Vol.66, No.2, pp.259-278.

• Mingjie Li etc., “Digitization Progress of Chinese Ancient Books in Practice and Research”, Progress in Research on Library Science, Wuhan University Press, 2010.

• Mingjie Li, 2010. “Knowledge Theory Orientation of Library Science in Ancient China”, Journal of Library Science in China, No.1, pp.27-34.

• Mingjie Li and Youyou Yu, 2010. “Study on the Subject Composing and Cooperative Mechanism for the Digitization of Chinese Ancient Books”, Library and Information, No.1, pp.34-44.

• Mingjie Li and Youyou Yu, 2009. “Reconstruction of Publishing Model for Chinese Ancient Books in Digital Society”, Publishing Research, No.12, pp.48-52.

• Mingjie Li, 2009. “Study on the Imperial College’s Block Printing Books in Ming Dynasty (1)”, Journal of Academic Libraries, No.3, pp.85-89.

• Mingjie Li, 2009. “Study on the Imperial College’s Block Printing Books in Ming Dynasty (2)”, Journal of Academic Libraries, No.5, pp.45-50.

• Mingjie Li and Yiming Zhang, 2009. “A Design of the Practical Teaching System for Archive Studies”, Archive Science Bulletin, No.4, pp.75-78.

• Mingjie Li, 2009. “Preservation for the Print Culture of Chinese Ancient Books in the View of Intangible Cultural Heritage”, Library, No.3, pp.4-9.

• Mingjie Li and Mingjuan, Li, “Knowledge Service Models of Digital Library in Distance Education Environment and Their Realization”, The 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Education (EI), 2009.

• Mingjie Li, “Construction of Virtual Learning Community in Learning Commons of Academic Libraries”, The Second IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine & Education (EI), 2009.

• Mingjie Li, “Progress in Research on Compilation of Documents (1996-2006)”, Progress in Research on Archival Science, Wuhan University Press, Wuhan, 2007.

• Mingjie Li, 2007. “Book Distribution Channels of Imperial Academy in Song Dynasty”, Publishing Journal, Vol.15, No.6, pp.68-71.

• Mingjie Li etc., 2006. “Outlook of the Education of LIS: a Report from the Third International Symposium on LIS Education in the Digital Age”, Document, Information and Knowledge, No.3, pp.5-9.

• Mingjie Li etc., 2006. “Outlook of the Education of Archive Science: a Report from the Third International Symposium on LIS Education in the Digital Age”, Document, Information and Knowledge, No.3, pp.10-16.

• Mingjie Li and Guanghua Fu, 2006. “The Evolution History of Chinese Library Society’s Idealism and Its Realistic Difficult Position”, Document, Information and Knowledge, No.6, pp.30-35.

• Mingjie Li, 2005. “Contribution of Zhizhai Shulu Jieti in Textual Bibliography”, Library, No.6, pp.47-50.

• Mingjie Li, 2005. “Basic Theories on the Digitization of Chinese Ancient Books”, Library Tribune, Vol.25, No.5, pp.97-100.

• Mingjie Li, 2005. “Probing into Reasons that Resulted in Various Editions of the Same Title Book”, Journal of Ancient Book Collation and Studies, No.2, pp.83-89.

• Mingjie Li, 2004. “Achievements of the Textual Bibliography from Wei Jin to Southern-northern Dynasties”, Journal of the Library Science Society of Sichuan, No.4, pp.56-61.

• Mingjie Li, 2004. “An Inspection into the People’s Opinion on Rare Books in Song Dynasty”, Library Journal, Vol.23, No.5, pp.65-71.

• Mingjie Li, 2004. “Study on the Initiation of the Textual Bibliography in Song Dynasty”, Tianjin Library Journal, No.5, pp.44-48.

• Mingjie Li, 2004. “Study on the Researchers on of Textual Bibliography in Song Dynasty”, Library Study and Work, No.4, pp.59-64.

• Mingjie Li, 2004. “Research on the Methods of Identifying Ancient Books in Song Dynasty”, New Century Library, No.4, pp.67-70.

• Mingjie Li, 2004. “Study on the Formation of the Concept of Rare Books”. Library and Information, No.3, pp.13-18.

• Mingjie Li, 2003. “Review on the Research of Textual Bibliography in the 20th Century”, Journal of Ancient book collation and studies, No.2, pp.55-60.

• Mingjie Li and Qiuhui Xiao, 2003. “Investigation and Analysis of Digital Resources of Chinese Ancient Books”, Library Journal, No.5, pp.25-28.

• Mingjie Li, 2002. “Study on the Publishing Industry’s Orientation in China from Its Competition Structure”, Publishing Research, No.3, pp.5-8.

• Mingjie Li, 2002. “Re-identify the Formation Period of Ancient Chinese Textual Bibliography”, Journal of Library and Information, No.1, pp.13-17.

• Mingjie Li, 2001. “Study on the Future Trend of China Publishing Industry”, China Publishing Journal, No.12, pp.11-13.

• Mingjie Li and Qiuhui Xiao, 2001. “Library Science: a Road of Returning to the Rationalism”, Journal of Library Science in China, No.6, 14-17.

• Mingjie Li, 2001. “Cultural Contribution of Map Publishing in Modern China”, Editors Monthly, No.6, pp.98-101.

• Mingjie Li, 2001. “Study on the Imperial College’s Block Printing Books of Five Dynasties”, Library Theory and Practice, No.5, pp.48-51.

• Mingjie Li, 2000. “Study on the Imperial College’s Block Printing Books of Qing Dynasty”, New Century Library, No.5, pp.50-52.

• Mingjie Li, 2000. “Yuan Mei’s Achievements and Contribution to the Study of Document Compilation”, Editors Monthly, No.3, pp.40-43.

• Mingjie Li, 1999. “Research on the Philosophic Methodology of Library Science”, Library Theory and Practice, No.4, pp.8-10.

• Mingjie Li, 1999. “On the Control of the Document Communication by Law”, Library, No.1, pp.32-35.


• “Preservation and Utilization for Literatures of the Republic of China in Hubei Province”(15ZD004), Sponsored by the Major Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research, Hubei Provincial Education Department, Principal Investigator.

• “Research on the Book Copyright in Ancient China”, Sponsored by National Social Science Foundation Project of P.R. China (Item No.12FTQ001), Principle Investigator.

• “China National Engineering for Digital Chinese Ancient Books”, Sponsored by National Social Science Foundation Project of P.R. China (Item No.12@ZH016), Co-Investigator.

• “Knowledge Organization Mechanism in the Compilation of Document in Ancient China” (Item No.2012GSP085), Sponsored by the Self-determined Project of Wuhan University, Principle Investigator.

• “Study of the Cultural Heritage Preservation and Development Mechanism for Chinese Ancient Books”, Sponsored by the National Social Science Foundation Project of P.R. China (Item No.08CTQ005), Principle Investigator.


• The Second Prize in the 13rd Humanities and Social Sciences Research Excellence Award, Wuhan University, 2014.

• The Third Prize in the 14th Social Sciences Research Excellence Award, Wuhan Municipal Government, 2014.

• Excellent Textbook Award for General Higher Education, Ministry of Education of P.R. China, 2009.

• The First prize in the Excellent Teaching Paper Award, Wuhan University, 2009.

• The Second Prize of the 10th Excellent Ancient Book Publication Award of East China, East China Ancient Book Publication Committee, 2007.
