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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


SIM Students Achieved Good Results in the 13th China National College Student "Innovation, Originality and Entrepreneurship" Challenge

2023-09-13 10:30:58

The 13th China National College Student "Innovation, Originality and Entrepreneurship" Challenge came to an end. Teachers and students of our School actively participated in the Challenge, and won 2 special prizes, 1 first prize and 1 second prize in the traditional track, 1 first prize in the cross-border e-commerce track and 1 second prize in the integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities track.

The Top Player Team won the special prize in the traditional track, the Best Innovation Award, the Best Creativity Award and the Best Entrepreneurship Award. The team was jointly instructed by Liyi Zhang, Professor at our School, and Longzhi Bing, CEO of Wuhan Kaijing Meta Information Technology Co., Ltd. Shenshen Qin, an undergraduate of our School, was member of the team. The team's award-winning project Magic Soul focuses on the pain points and difficulties of the live broadcast selling goods by AI virtual human, builds its own corpus database, and trains the Magic Soul model based on the large language model technology, thus realizing the professionalism, personalization and interactivity of the live broadcast selling goods by AI virtual human. The project has been supported by technical patents and has served many e-commerce companies, trading companies and Web3 companies.

The team of Legendary Farmers won the special prize in the traditional track, the Best Innovation Award, the Best Creativity Award and the Best Entrepreneurship Award. The team was jointly instructed by Liyi Zhang, Professor at our School, and Shunyi Zheng, Professor at the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University. Qiaoyi Zhang, an undergraduate of our School, as the team leader, and Junran Zhang, an undergraduate of our School, as member of the team. The team's award-winning project Farmers Legend aims at the problems existing in the docking of supply and demand of agricultural products in China, and puts forward a new model of "cloud+network+terminal" to build a network to promote the docking of small-scale production and big market. At present, the team has established a pilot base to cooperate with enterprises to adopt tea gardens, which will be extended to other crops in the future.

The Flying Fish Painting Dreams Team won the first prize in the traditional track. The team was jointly instructed by Min Zhang, Professor at our School, and Xiaolan Xu, Associate Professor at the School of Urban Design, Wuhan University. Zhuohuan Yang, an undergraduate of our School, was member of the team. The award-winning project Flying Fish Painting Dreams takes children's aesthetic education as the main line, linking the virtual and reality channel, designs the full animation intelligent course software and supporting products of Flying Fish thinking aesthetic education, and develops Wechat program to help teachers improve their aesthetic education level and make up the family aesthetic education links, and is committed to making unprofessional people teach professional art and let scientific aesthetic education covers every child. The project has established cooperative relations with many kindergartens in Wuhan, and children's aesthetic education products have received praise from teachers and children.

The team of 212 Parliamentary Men Team won the second prize in the traditional track. The team was jointly instructed by Xiaoliang Shen, Professor at our School, and Chaocheng He, teacher of our School. Zhijie Yu, an undergraduate of our School, as the team leader and Boyang Guo, Yuxiang Lyu and Hongyi Li as team members. The award-winning project Intelligence Sharing Attic-- On-demand Knowledge Trading Platform Based on Blockchain Technology establishes a 3T model based on supplier demand-user demand, and develops the core function system of this platform for each link of this model. At the same time, it effectively solves the multi-party trust issue in data trading based on blockchain intelligent accounting technology, and via this technology, all stakeholders (platforms, suppliers) involved in the platform are integrated. The project has reached a cooperation agreement with Wingo and Qingbo Database.

The project Live Room of Five Girls & Fine Goods won the first prize in the cross-border e-commerce track. It was instructed by Min Zhang, Professor at our School, and Jiaying Yin, an undergraduate of our School, as the team leader and Kexin Xu, an undergraduate of our School, as the team member. This project is dedicated to promoting Chinese traditional culture, helping Chinese products to go outside, formulating live broadcast plans and marketing strategies for the market in Southeast Asia, and relying on professional and rich live broadcast to create a pleasant and interesting atmosphere.

The project I Love Snack Warehouse won the second prize in the integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities track (BUC). Gengchuan Ma, an undergraduate of our School, was the team member. The project focuses on college students and the snack consuming target around the campus, makes full use of the we-media and private domain publicity mode and relies on the online platform to create a new multi-channel integrated retail business model, creating a more convenient, healthy and high-quality market environment for college students group.
