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Wuhan University,
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Shanping He and Wei Feng are Awarded the Self-improvement Stars of Chinese College Students

2022-01-04 16:43:32

Recently, the list of the 2020 Self-improvement Stars of Chinese College Students jointly organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the National Federation of Students were published.Shanping He and Wei Feng, both are2018 undergraduates of Library Science in our school, were in the list.

Shanping He is from a poor family in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. He was admitted to Wuhan University after the college entrance examination. From the last admission ofnational special program to the first GPA in his major, in the past three years, he has pursued all-round development, published posters in high-level international conferences, published a theme paper on undergraduate teaching reform, participated in the campus e-commerce program, and was elected as the deputy secretary of the Student Youth League Committee to serve the youth, carried out social practice in cultural undertakings, and participated in the public welfare project of left-behind children and finless porpoise protection. At the same time, he never forgets to repay his country. Henan and Shanxi suffered from floods, and he donated all the scholarships he received twice. When the epidemic spread in Hunan, he took the initiative to report to the village committee and followed the secretary of the village Party branch to visit the village households to implement vaccination. As a youth representative, he participated in the investigation and research meeting of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China in Wuhan University, and expounded the responsibility of young people in the new era from his own experience.

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Wei Feng always adheres to the combination of academic development and personal growth, ranks first GPA and comprehensive evaluation in the major, and has published three CSSCI papers and one top international conference paper (solo work). As team leader and core member, she promoted two projects won the national silver and bronze awards in the 7th China International College Students' "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. The article she wrote was awarded 2021 the Best Essay of Understanding China by the Care for the Next Generation Committee of the Ministry of Education. She has won many awards and honors, such as National Scholarship, Lei Jun Scholarship, Boone Scholarship, Wuhan University Advanced Individual in Fight Against COVID-19, Outstanding Young Volunteers, Hubei Province Excellent Practice Team, special prize of Wuhan University Summer Practice Competition, Wuhan University Top Ten Research Reports, and etc.

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Shanping He and Wei Fengare hardworking, self-improvement and courageous, setting pioneering examples of being amiable, respectable, trustworthy and learnable for all the students in the school, fully demonstrating the effectiveness of the education path of all staff education, whole process education and all-round education in the school.

The theme of the 2020 Self-improvement Stars of Chinese College Students was Youth Self-improvement, Courageously Strive for the First, and a number of self-improvement models with outstanding deeds in patriotic dedication, moral promotion, scientific and technological innovation, self-employment, voluntary work, public welfare, grass-roots contributions, etc., which can play an exemplary role among contemporary college students, have been found in universities across the country. After college / university’s recommendation, provincial preliminary evaluation, and national evaluation, a total of 1,842 college students in China were in the list, and among them, 4 students were from Wuhan University.
