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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Department of Information Management Science

2019-06-30 13:39:21

Founded in 1978, the Department is the birthplace of Information Science education in China. It has Information Science as a key subject at the state level, Library, Information and Archives Management as a key primary subject at the state level. It also offers undergraduate program of Information Management and Information System, master and doctor program of Information Science and Management Science and Engineering, as well as postdoctoral research stations of library, Information and Archives Management and Management Science and Engineering. Its faculty group consists of 14 full professors and 5 associate professors, including 14 doctoral supervisors and 5 master supervisors. Among them, there are 14 kinds of high-level talent. Oriented to the construction of the Information Science as the key subject at state level, the department focuses on the research and teaching in theories and methods of information science, information resources planning and management, information service, informatics, competitive intelligence, information resources allocation, and information organization and retrieval, making great efforts on exploration and innovation. By undertaking a series of state level and province-level projects, the department has produced landmark research achievements which have been published on some first-class international journals.
