Supervised by: Ministry of Culture of PRC

Sponsored by:National Library of China
  Library Society of China

ISSN 1001-8867    CN 11-2746/G2


Annual Journal of Library Science in China (English version) was born with the celebrations of the Chinese national library’s 100th birthday!

The rapid growth of China's economy, great efforts in the cultural sector, and wide adoption of information technology have brought about extraordinary changes to China's libraries. Libraries in China have attracted worldwide attention to their vision modification, technology application, development scale, and growth rate. Likewise, research has also been carried out in the field with remarkable advancement as a result. In order to enable our colleagues all over the world to learn about research and development in China's library field, we launch this English version of the Journal of Library Science in China, which is to be published annually, and based on the bimonthly Chinese version of the journal.

The English version will publish high-level academic achievements and make the theory, frontier and deep practical researches its characteristics. It focuses on the develop trend of global library science and library careers, pays attention to studies on Chinese library careers, reflects the top level of academic achievements in these fields, and provides an international academic exchange platform.

Journal of Library Science in China (English version: 2009) was released by The National Library Press in Sep 2009. Welcome to subscribe.

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