Supervised by: Ministry of Culture of PRC

Sponsored by:National Library of China
  Library Society of China

ISSN 1001-8867    CN 11-2746/G2


Journal of Library Science in China is a scholarly journal in Library and Information Science (LIS) fields. It aims to share research findings and promote knowledge innovation in LIS fields. Many academic achievements of high levels in LIS and closely related fields are published in this journal. To promote internationalization in the LIS fields, we have adjusted our columns to “Research Paper”,  “Communication”,  “Review”, “Special Topic” and others.

We appreciate academic integrity, originality, and innovation, and encourage both original and cross-disciplinary cooperation.

1 Types of manuscripts

Research Paper. Having a detailed statement of a complete specification of new discoveries or new research results with complete elements of academic paper structure: research question, research purpose, literature review, research methods, results, conclusions (discussions), and references.

Review. Including literature review, historical review, academic book reviews, and other comment reviews.

Communication. Discussions, thinking, or debates on the frontier, controversial, theoretical, and practical problems. The forms are not limited.

Special Topics. Papers around major events and special topics. Usually, researches about hot issues and important problems are discussed here.

2 The academic integrity

(1) The paper must be original and with honest authorship. Respect the intellectual property rights of others and use appropriate citations.

(2) Follow basic writing, quotation, and annotation specifications.

(3) We are resolutely against repeated submission of one manuscript, plagiarism, and other academic misconducts. Articles submitted are required to ensure that there are no other journal acceptances.

3 Form requirements

3.1 Structure

Chinese title; author; Chinese abstract, keywords, CLC number; English title; author’s English name; English abstract, English keywords; the text; references; brief introduction of authors.

3.2 Abstract elements

The abstract is an independent short essay containing the main content of the article, for research papers, problems, purposes, methods, results, and conclusions (discussions) should be included and should avoid writing speculatively and indicatively.

3.3 Numbering

Use a level format like “1”, “1.1”, and “1.1.1”, when the number of levels is deep be titles, (1) (2) (3) and can be used.

3.4 Other instructions

(1) Funded projects should include footnotes on the first page of the article to specify grant name, project name, and project number. One article can only list 2 funds, and they should be related to the contents of the article.

(2) Author’s email address should be listed in the footnote on the first page of the article.

4 Graph specifications

(1)Graphs should be closely related to the content and are essential.

(2) Specify the source below the cited graphs; authors should take care of the copyright license issues.

(3) Graphs need to be clear. If the graphs are not legible in the article, please send them as attachments.

(4) Unless necessary, do not use colored graphs. Use black and white instead.

5 Citations

(1) Citations should be noted in the articles and should be listed in sequential numbers in the references at the end of the article. Referenced articles are required to be cited in the text.

For example: …… 德国学者N.克罗斯研究了瑞士巴塞尔市附近侏罗山中老第三纪断裂对第三系褶皱的控制[1];之后,他又描述了西里西亚第三条大型的近南北向构造带,并提出地槽是在不均一的块体的基底上发展的思想[2]……

(2) When citing several papers at the same place, list all cited paper sequence numbers in the square brackets, using commas to separate. If the sequence numbers are continuous, you can just mark the first and the last number.

: 裴伟[1,5]提出……


(3) When citing the same article several times, the sequence number should be the same.As the same reference as []” is not allowed to appear in the reference lists.

For example:我国图书馆社会责任(Library social responsibility,以下简称LSR)研究刚刚开始,整体上对LSR认知不很清晰,争论很多[1]……XX认为,它主要指一些传统图书馆服务之外的分外之事[2]……作为社会组成部分的图书馆在社会中需要承担的有助于解决关乎人类未来可持续发展的一系列非图书馆问题[1]

(4) When citing monographs, the page numbers should be noted besides the“[]” of the serial number.

For example: ……由于思想的内涵是客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果[2]11-13,所以编辑思想的内涵就是编辑实践反映在编辑工作者的意识中,经过思维活动而产生的结果……《中国青年》杂志创办人追求的高格调——理性的成熟与热点的凝聚[3],表明其读者群的文化品位的高层次……“方针引导事业前进的方向和目标[2]200……

6 References

6.1 Basic descriptive requirements

(1) The citation labeling methods and bibliographic reference formats comply with the national standard GB/T 7714 - 2005.

(2) Unpublished achievements and personal communications should not be included in the references, noted with footnote form on the same page.

(3) Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references.

6.1.1 Journal papers

[the sequence number] author. article title[article type symbols]. the name of publication, year of publication, volume (period): page number.

[序号] 作者.题名[文献类型标志].刊物名称,出版年,卷(期):起止页码.

For example:

[1] 吴建中. 创新型社会中图书馆的责任[J]. 中国图书馆学报,2010(6):9-12.

[2] Hewitt J A. Technical services in 1983[J]. Library Resource Services, 1984,28(3):205-218.

6.1.2 Monograph (books)

[the sequence number] author. title [publication type symbol]. other responsibilities. version. place of publication: publisher, year: page number.

[序号] 作者.书名[文献类型标志].其他责任者.版本项.出版地:出版社,出版年:起止页码.

For example:



[5] Tennant R. Managing the Digital Library[M]. New York: Reed Press,2004:150-153.

6.1.3 Monograph (conference proceedings, assembly set) and precipitation of literature

[the serial number] author. title [publication type symbol]// editor. essays: other title information. version. location: publisher, year: page number.

[序号] 作者.题名[文献类型标志]//编者.文集名:其他题名信息.版本项.出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码.

For example:

[6] 韩吉人.论职工教育的特点[G]//中国职工教育研究会.职工教育研究论文集.北京:人民教育出版社,1985: 90-99.

[7] WEINSTEIN L,SWERTZ M N. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganism[M]//SODEMAN W A, Jr., SODEMAN W A. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: Saunders,1974:745-772.

6.1.4 Newspapers

[the serial number] author. title [publication type logo]. the newspaper name, year-month-day (Revision)

[序号] 作者.题名[文献类型标志].报纸名,--日(版次).

For example:

[8] 张田勤.罪犯DNA库与生命伦理学计划[N].大众科技报,2000-11-12(7).

6.1.5 Degree thesis

[the serial number] author. Sign autographs [publication type]. Archive place: institution, year.

[序号] 作者.题名[文献类型标志].保存地:保存者,年份.

For example:

[9] 张志祥.间断动力系统的随机扰动及其在守恒律方程中的应用[D].北京:北京大学数学学院,1998.

6.1.6 Electronic documents Common online documents

[the serial number] author. title. [search date].URL.

For example:

[10] Suber P. Open Access in 2007[OL]. [2008-03-07]. Traditional digital documents

Electronic version of the journal papers

[the serial number] author. title [document type/document vector]. name of publication, year, volumn(period):page[cited date].URL.

For example:

[11] 江向东.互联网环境下的信息处理与图书管理系统解决方案[J/OL].情报学报,1999,18(2)4[2000-01-18]. gbxb990203.

Electronic version of newspapers

[the serial number] author. title[document type/document vector]. newspaper name, year-month-day(version)[cited date].URL.

For example:


Digital monograph (books)

[the serial number] author. title[document type/document vector].other responsibors. version. publication location. publisher. publish year: page[cited date]. URL.

For example:

[13]Turcotte D L. Fractals and chaos in geology and geophysics[M/OL].New York: Cambridge University Press,1992[1998-09-23]. mccorm30.html.

6.2 Chinese document description requirements

In order to facilitate being included by international retrieval tools, Chinese references are required to add an English translation, which means, the Chinese part of literature references is also translated into English and is located in brackets after Chinese.

For example:

李原,郭德俊. 组织中的心理契约[J]. 心理科学进展,2002(1):83-90. (Li Yuan, Guo Dejun. Review on psychological contract in organization[J]. Journal of Developments in Psychology, 2002(1): 83-90.)

The English translation should be based on the source reference. If there is no corresponding English literature source, then you need to translate in consistency of the original.

6.3 Description requirements of pre-print articles

In order to speed up the communications of academic achievements, adapt to the effective protection and management needs of intellectual property in a network environment, the Journal of Library Science in China contributes part of the articles to CNKI before publication. These pre-press published articles will receive the digital object unique identifier (DOI) provided by CNKI, which can uniquely identify an article and realize resource global positioning.

If a pre-print article is needed, please mark the retrieval date and the address of the online publication

For example:

王锦贵. 数典勿忘祖,显学隐巨擘——为司马迁目录学成就正名[J/OL]. 中国图书馆学报[2014-02-10].

7 Submission

All manuscripts will be submitted in Word format by the editorial department website (, we don’t accept the submission of the paper version principally. Please note the document type at the upper left location of the title when submission (please select from “Research Papers”, “Review”, and “Communication”).

There are all sorts of online mock submission mails and contact ways, please identify the websites and contacts of the Journal of Library Science in China carefully, thus, to avoid damage to your legitimate rights and interests.

8 Submission process

8.1 Registration

Click “Authors” below the “Log In” column, finish registration according to page instructions. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email, please click the hyperlink in the mail to activate the new account. The email address is very significant, which will be your login certificate. Please fill it correctly.

8.2 Submission

After logging in, click the “Submission” button below “Manuscript Management” and add related information following the guide. Please read the instructions conscientiously and submit your manuscript after standardizing it according to the specification.

8.3 Manuscript search

After submission, you can log in to the “Manuscript Search” page under the “Manuscript Management” column and search according to the manuscript number or title for sake of knowing the processing state and related information.

8.4 Manuscript revision

Before the editorial department deals with the manuscripts, you can modify the manuscript information at any time on the “Manuscript Search” page; once the manuscript has been checked, modifications can only be done after the “retreat” operation by the editorial department. When submitting the modified document, click the “Upload/Download” button under “Manuscript Management” and find manuscripts corresponded to the manuscript number. After modifications according to the revision suggestions, re-upload it by using the “Upload modified manuscript” function. Don’t resubmit it through the submission column, otherwise, your manuscript will be regarded as new submissions, and the existing review of your paper will be lost. Thus, the results of your article will be delayed.

9 Review process

10 Copyright

Our publication has the exclusive publishing right for all forms of accepted articles such as paper, network, and so on(Including other online publication systems which signed agreements with our publication). Authors should guarantee their manuscript is not a violation of any existing copyright protocols and commit to taking responsibility for any damage behaviors of the protocol. If you have any special requirements, please specify when submitting.

The editorial office of Journal of Library Science in China


Schedule 1  Document type and identification code

Document Type

Identification Code

Document Type

Identification Code



















Computer Program


Degree Thesis


Electronic Bulletin


Schedule 2  Electronic literature carrier and symbol code

Carrier Type

Symbol Code

magnetic tape







